Annoying wet dreams

    • Your wet dreams must be different than others. It must be either more vivid or more wet than others. For most, a wet dream is just something we notice when we wake up. It doesn't actually wake us up. We sleep through it like any other dream. Wet dream is just a nocturnal emission. According to wiki, 8% of our dreams are sexual in nature and 4% of our sexual dreams result in an actual wet orgasm. Teens have more wet dreams then adults but adults can have them too. Anyone can as long as they can dream of sex and can physically have an orgasm. But as you can tell by the statistics, and you may or may not already know this, we all dream, and a tiny amount of our dreams our sexual, and it's just natural for us to have wet dreams. You can likely have fewer if you wanted more often. Even tho teen boys create a ton of cum, the more cum you shoot before sleep, the less likely you can shoot it while sleeping. But it's still possible. Guys can cum a lot obviously.
    • Reading on Google about wet dreams, there seems to be a lot of information out there that is wrong, or at least partially wrong.

      Summarizing what I've read:
      1. Many boys do not get wet dreams whether they masturbate or not.
      2. Many boys get wet dreams whether they masturbate or not.
      3. For boys who get wet dreams - they may get them regularly, or infrequently.
      4. Many boys get wet dreams the first year or two of puberty, and then infrequently or never after that.
      5. The connection between masturbation and not getting wet dreams has never been proven, although many boys will say that is true.
      6. Wet dreams may be related to neural development (or the lack thereof) in the brain at the time of puberty.
      7. The dream part of wet dreams may be very sexual or not sexual. Most guys will say, though, either way it is often exciting.

      From what I read here on TH in other threads on the subject, many boys will wake up just as ejaculation is beginning.

      Bottom line: Whatever your body is doing or not doing with wet dreams, it is normal for you.
      -- Amar
    • amar-ben wrote:

      5. The connection between masturbation and not getting wet dreams has never been proven, although many boys will say that is true.
      That does seem to be what at least some people report while others report that they can abstain for a month or more and still not get a wet dream while others can have them even the same night as having masturbated.

      One thing I think we do know is that the old explanation given for wet dreams of it being the body's way of getting rid of old sperm and semen is an over-simplification even if there is any truth in it at all.

      harleym wrote:

      I have wet dreams it's driving me insane
      Almost every night and I wake up too early in the middle of the night
      I talked to my doctor, she says oh it's no big deal it's normal it's puberty
      The doctor is right that they are perfectly normal and, while some people seem to find they are less common when masturbating more, you may or may not find this.

      What I can say is that, if you can't stop them, you could work on minimising the inconvenience. The first thing is to minimise the time you spend cleaning up before you go back to sleep. There is nothing nasty about cum (semen) and you could, if you wanted, just go back to sleep and deal with it in the morning, though that may leave your pubes stuck together. A compromise would be to have something nearby to be able to do some basic wiping up with, then put on some dry underwear and get back to sleep. If it us anything like cumming at the end of masturbating, the feeling afterwards will be relaxing and what you don't want to be doing is spending so long cleaning up that the relaxed feeling is gone and you feel thoroughly awake. Going for a shower could make you feel awake - it is a bit like showing first thing in the morning. Turning on bright lights could have the same effect. Good luck.