penis size

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  • maseb wrote:

    Your size for 15 years old is fine, and typical. If it grows another inch, you'll be on the high range of average for an adult.
    Even if you don't increase, you can pleasure your partner, male or female. I'm smaller than you and my boy friend has never complained about the size

    Matty B wrote:

    About 6 for me but i think it doesnt matter. Personally i prefer smaller ones to 7inch or more. Looks nicer :thumbup:
    Im on the bigger size personally. I'm 15 and just under or just under 7 depending on the day. But when that one kid in here said he was 15 and was 10.5 inches I did some research. It said 0.02% of males had a penis 10 inches or bigger. (That could mean that approximately 700,000 of earth's 4 billion men are 10+ inches, give or take 100,000 cuz tbh accurate penis size surveys aren't very accurate, if you take men at their word you'll have men lying, and not many men get their dicks clinically measured for scientific surveys). I kept reading other articles and it said based on the size of a typical vagina that even a 4 inch penis (or smaller) can hit the perfect spot on a vagina. Actually 7+ inch dicks can hurt a girl and hit her cervical wall. And dicks too wide can cause tears. So it's truly about the motion and not the sizs.

    One survey was particularly interesting though. Women looked at pics of penises and picked their favorites based on appearance. They chose 7 to 8 inch dicks. But when choosing which ones they would like to have sex with and 6-6.5 was the favorite.