The ick

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    • hello!

      i'm writing to see if anyone else is feeling like me lately and if they know how to deal with these feelings. i'm 18 and i just opened a dating app profile in which i've met a couple of guys. talking to them has been fine but when they mention something about meeting each other for a date or any kind of romantic activity (i'm being safe and making sure they're legit) i instantly panic and become really anxious. i've never been in a relationship before and i've never experienced love. so, why do i get the ick and suddenly think of refusing a date even though i'm interested in starting a relationship? i've felt this type of fear and nervousness since forever and i can't get past it when talking to guys. i don't want to live with this fear forever but i'm not sure how to get rid of it.

      if anyone could respond i'd appreciate it <3
    • Dating and meeting new people may be a bit intimidating for a lot of people, especially when they don't have much of a romantic history. You're basically talking to strangers (at first)....and not people you would see in a setting like school, work, or through mutual friends. Combine that with the likelihood that you don't know what to expect if you meet them, or what their actual intentions are (no matter what they tell you through the dating app)....and that make anyone feel uneasy or stressed. It's only natural to feel reserved and cautious, especially when you don't have experience (through the app or elsewhere). I definitely would have those feelings too

      If you decide to meet people, make sure its in a safe and public place, that is easy to back out of if you don't feel comfortable :) And for safety reasons, let a friend or two know what you're doing and where you are going
    • It's normal to feel worried about starting new things like relationships (and they might feel the same way to some extent). If you don't feel like you can manage a date, tell them, I'm sure if they're someone who is right for a relationship they'll understand. You could do something together with your friends (both make sure your being safe, and probably help you feel less anxious having a friend with you)

      And once you get to know each other like that, I'm sure more romantic dates and activities would feel much less scary

      Good Friend :play: Kinda Romantic :love: Ready to Rock :zomg:

      "If you try to follow fashion you'll always be chasing, and probably never catch it. If you be yourself and make your own style, fashion might just bump into you one day."
    • I get being anxious. Many people are anxious about all sorts of things. I guess I don't get trying to use a dating app to date. Isn't that for old people? I think school age people probably have it best since we're mostly all single and even the ones in relationships are somewhat open to think about dating someone else. Plus we're sorta in a great dating environment at school. The only negative is you know everyone already. This continues on to college and your first couple jobs. But then it probably gets tough to date if you don't get married after college which us where dating apps come in I thought. I hear dating apps are also sometimes just for hooking up.