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    • Depression is amongst us all at times, but depression runs Our Lives and thoughts without anybody knowing how depressed you are it is like a silent killer. At one time I was so depressed and never told anybody or lead on how bad I felt deep inside and I felt I had no other choice to take my life recently , thankfully it was failed attempt. Please if you feel that you are depressed and feel that the world would be better off and feel that you have no other choice but to take your life, please, please, please seek help, talk to someone a family member, a neighbor or just a friend how you feel and get counseling. I am not making this thread for pity but only in hopes that it will save lives, again I urge if you're depressed don't keep it to yourself but to seek help.
    • I'm sorry that you've had to go throught those things and that you've felt that way ;(

      You're right though, and I totally back you up on asking people to talk if you're feeling depressed. I know its hard and it seems impossible sometimes l....especially when people are the cause of you being hurt and not wanting to

      If you ever feel that way, please send me a message :hugs:
    • CayceStars wrote:

      I'm sorry that you've had to go throught those things and that you've felt that way ;(

      You're right though, and I totally back you up on asking people to talk if you're feeling depressed. I know its hard and it seems impossible sometimes l....especially when people are the cause of you being hurt and not wanting to

      If you ever feel that way, please send me a message :hugs:
      I will reach out to you and others for help and I hope that others will reach out to me in a message, please send me a message and we will talk.