How "chill" are your friend's parents around you?

    • How "chill" are your friend's parents around you?

      My mom has lots of rules and standards for me and my sisters so I'm always blown away by "chill" families. Especially when they're new to me and I'm meeting them for the first time. Hbu?

      Today I was eating lunch with my friend and his family at a fairly fancy restaurant. Me and my friend went to the bathroom. When we got back mom asked how everything came out? I waa slightly stunned lol.

      I've pretty much gotten used to my friends parents that have zero curfews and essentially zero rules (but it's still wild). I've gotten used to parents that blaze in front of us (legal in my state, but still wild). I've been gotten used to my best friends family who all wear basically see thru tighty whitey underwear and mom wears basically see thru slip top and basically see thru sheer panties. Plus they walk in and out of each other showering and going to the bathroom constantly.

      But the potty humor today was sort of jaw dropping. Is it me? Am I just too used to my mom's many rules and trying to raise us with manners?
    • My parents have always been laidback, even when I was still a minor, I didn't feel like I was chained by rules. There were a few basic ones of course, and they were non-negotiable, but for me it's kinda the other way around. I've been to friends' houses where there were definitely more rules than at home.
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    • I'm not sure if my parents are chill :lol: they had some rules (some I still follow as they're kinda good manners or I've just got used to them).

      Now I think the only rule they have is if I go somewhere to let them know. But that's more so they know I'm safe (and still alive ^^ )

      Good Friend :play: Kinda Romantic :love: Ready to Rock :zomg:

      "If you try to follow fashion you'll always be chasing, and probably never catch it. If you be yourself and make your own style, fashion might just bump into you one day."
    • they're pretty chill with me , especially my boyfriend's parents, they were kinda over protective of him at first when we both came out, since hes a yr younger than me, but they were cool with us both being honest enough to tell them about us... But they still got weird rules we have to follow when were together, but its no big deal
    • My mum and step dad are pretty chill. My father is absent and we could have a rip roaring party at his place and he'd probably participate but that is a conversation for some other place and time - I don't get along with him. But ya, my mum and step dad have rules and they are pretty involved with us. They like to know what we are doing and where we are and if they text they expect a response or the phone rings. When my BF is around they are polite have expectations that we aren't hanging over each other and being inappropriate in the open if that makes sense. I don't think my mum would ask him if everything came out alright after he went to the bathroom though and I've never been asked that at his house or by any of my friend's parents either. I'd just laugh if asked that though. Its kinda funny but weird lol.
    • While my brother and I have rules to live by at home, mainly respect type things, my parents would definitely fall into the chill category. They tease our friends all the time. Casual nudity is the rule during the summer so they've got to be pretty chill for that to occur.

      My bf's parents aren't nearly as open, his mom got us boxers for Christmas so we weren't wandering around in our briefs. But other than that we get along great.
    • 2 of my 3 friends' parents are super uptight and i don't like being around them. just one friend has chill parents, i mean they let us be ourselves mostly as long as we clean up after ourselves and are respectful. when we get together, we like to hang out at that house.

      even though they r pretty chill, i don't think they would ever say something like potty humor with us and i don't ever expect to see them undressed or be undressed around them. unless we were to go swimming or something like that, but definitely not naked.
    • I have a lot of different kind of friends. Some are somewhat similar to nerds, others love and live art and constantly debating ethnic or cultural stuff but they don't like sports.

      And there are those who love nothing more than doing sports and/or prefer to let off steam physically. The latter are more the rougher and tougher ones but hang with them means having fun anyway.

      Usually I get along well with everyone, but some guys of those groups rarely really don't get along with each other when they met, which I manage not letting happen if I can. Bc sometimes it's very exhausting when they meet each other, especially at my place.

      Then I may feel like a negotiator and mediator to convey between these friends. It's a bit exhausting, and the easiest way is to respectively hang just with folks from one group. Then everything runs smoothly and chilled.

      And this goes too for the respective parents of my friends. I can deal with them.
    • Most of my friends' parents all seem to love me, I mean, I do bring the charm :whistling: My best friend's mom, for example, is a little out there and has had her share of mental health and relationship struggles (and currently lives alone), but even she insists on giving me a big hug every time I visit and thanking me for being a good friend to her son. Some of my friends' parents are a little awkward around me, but that's just how they are (one friend tells me her dad is by default socially awkward and quiet, and he's like that with everyone).

      As for my own parents, well, my dad's in a band and enjoys sharing his home-brewed beer with people, so it's hard to get him upset about anything. My mom is a little more cautious and she doesn't love the fact that my best friend smokes a lot of marijuana, but my parents are nothing but chill when my friends are over (and my friends have only positive things to say about them).