Locker Room Nudity

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    • we've already got quite a few threads about being nude in locker rooms or showers. So not sure if we need another one :/

      Though seeing them all has given me a question

      Has anyone experienced what seems to be the opposite to nearly everyone answer. Where you have to change as quickly as possible or you'd get detention (as you'd miss some of the next class), that you occasionally finished a PE/gym lesson when you needed to be at your next class, that you could never shower (as there was barely the time to even wash your hands), that if you were caught looking at anyone else changing you'd probably get a punch (and occasionally beat up) and the same for boys if they got an erection.

      Good Friend :play: Kinda Romantic :love: Ready to Rock :zomg:

      "If you try to follow fashion you'll always be chasing, and probably never catch it. If you be yourself and make your own style, fashion might just bump into you one day."
    • BJade wrote:

      we've already got quite a few threads about being nude in locker rooms or showers. So not sure if we need another one :/

      Though seeing them all has given me a question

      Has anyone experienced what seems to be the opposite to nearly everyone answer. Where you have to change as quickly as possible or you'd get detention (as you'd miss some of the next class), that you occasionally finished a PE/gym lesson when you needed to be at your next class, that you could never shower (as there was barely the time to even wash your hands), that if you were caught looking at anyone else changing you'd probably get a punch (and occasionally beat up) and the same for boys if they got an erection.
      the problem now is you have to shower quickly but there are rules now in some schools where you have to shower because of offensive odors
    • BJade wrote:

      we've already got quite a few threads about being nude in locker rooms or showers. So not sure if we need another one :/

      Though seeing them all has given me a question

      Has anyone experienced what seems to be the opposite to nearly everyone answer. Where you have to change as quickly as possible or you'd get detention (as you'd miss some of the next class), that you occasionally finished a PE/gym lesson when you needed to be at your next class, that you could never shower (as there was barely the time to even wash your hands), that if you were caught looking at anyone else changing you'd probably get a punch (and occasionally beat up) and the same for boys if they got an erection.
      I do know some schools may run the class long so either they have to skip a shower or rush one. Fortunately my school leaves enough time.

      And for OP, it's fully nudity going to the shower, towels are located when you exit
    • BJade wrote:

      we've already got quite a few threads about being nude in locker rooms or showers. So not sure if we need another one :/

      Though seeing them all has given me a question

      Has anyone experienced what seems to be the opposite to nearly everyone answer. Where you have to change as quickly as possible or you'd get detention (as you'd miss some of the next class), that you occasionally finished a PE/gym lesson when you needed to be at your next class, that you could never shower (as there was barely the time to even wash your hands), that if you were caught looking at anyone else changing you'd probably get a punch (and occasionally beat up) and the same for boys if they got an erection.
      Showers in PE class at my school is not required or really EVER promoted or happens (at least for boys). But we could. Once a surprise flash flood rainstorm happened and we showered. But otherwise it basic NEVER happens in PE. BUT I can strongly guess that IF you showered and were late for the next class you WOULD get detention. Of course it would depend on the teacher and how many ladies you have but many teachers don't care, they give detention for the first and stupidest of reasons for being tardy.

      Regarding the other thing, about looking at others and getting punched for getting a boner, that wouldn't happen at my school, BUT it wouldn't be rainbows and puppy kisses either lol. My school is both conservative and open minded (a pretty strange combination for sure!). We have a lot of religious and Republican parents living in my part of town, but yet we have a very strong community and very little bullying (for high school standards). Even though we don't shower in PE, many sports shower after sports. I did cross country this past fall and we hung out and talked in the shower for over 30 minutes some days. Some would pee or get hard on purpose. Football players would essentially sprint in and out of showers and laugh at or with us and say we're crazy. A few would say we're gay (idk if anyone actually was gay, I assume some are, but nobody is out). But nobody was actually mean about it.
    • Everyone is required to take nude showers at our school. Coaches make sure we all comply. Everyone walks naked to the showers because you get a towel after your shower. So some boys do or don't wrap a towel around their waist for the lockers.

      Some of the younger boys are a little uncomfortable about the nude walk to the showers at first. But everyone gets used to it. It never bothered me as I have been changing in locker rooms for a long time. I was a little kid learning swimming at the YMCA.
    • AB/CD wrote:


      What is it like at your school. Do the boys freely walk around nude or just half dressed. Some boys at my school are butt naked and some just with a towel or underwear.
      Nobody showers after PE at my school. Many sports shower after sports, but not all, or every day. I'd say half walked around naked after sports and the other wore a towel to the shower and put a towel around them out of the shower.
    • pahern0317 wrote:

      Everyone is required to take nude showers at our school. Coaches make sure we all comply. Everyone walks naked to the showers because you get a towel after your shower. So some boys do or don't wrap a towel around their waist for the lockers.

      Some of the younger boys are a little uncomfortable about the nude walk to the showers at first. But everyone gets used to it. It never bothered me as I have been changing in locker rooms for a long time. I was a little kid learning swimming at the YMCA.
      Is this for PE and sports? Or just PE? Or just sports? Are the coaches watching the entire time closely? Or just sorta "around"? Coaches watching sounds creepy af! I mean hypothetically I could get used to anything I suppose but my spidey senses just sort of goes off at the idea of adults watching kids shower. Js.
    • BlackParadePixie wrote:

      I'm not sure I believe all of the forced showers after PE stories
      Not with lawyers and shit today. "Making" minors get naked is a multimillion dollar lawsuit. If they want to shower, that's another story. I was at one school tho and they had lockers on wheels in their showers! They couldn't shower even if they tried lol.
    • Yeah, I wouldn't say that the coaches at my junior high and high schools "forced" anyone to shower - they weren't standing there at the end of class telling us "You will shower Or Else!!!" I think there was a bit of peer pressure, though, especially if your PE class wasn't the last class of the day - sort of a "You don't shower? Eww!" We kind of felt a bit obligated to shower, and like Corey said, as long as you got in, got out, and didn't waste a lot of time goofing off, there was usually time to have at least a basic shower.