Locker Room Nudity

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    • In my post I never said that coaches force us into showers. They also do not stand and watch us shower. The coaches come through to monitor horseplay.

      Showers are required and nobody wants to be the rebel that doesn't comply. Plus, who wants to walk around stinky all day. Nudity hasn't been a real big deal since the guys get past the first couple days.
    • There's definitely different rules and/or expectations for school showers for each and every school. I mean it seems that not many schools are the same. It changes from country to country, state to state, city to city, and school to school. Some places there's no showering. Other places just for sports but not PE, other places kids shower with shorts or underwear on, others everyone showers together after every PE class.

      Some of the confusion is semantics of words. Naturally showers aren't required/forced to the degree that if you don't you'll be required/forced to go to jail. But if there are consequences like you fail the class or get detention then it's essentially required/forced. Even if it's just "forced" through peer pressure then it's sort of forced. It's really only optional if there's a way to opt out without penalty or persecution. And obviously teachers/coaches aren't ever like staring to the degree that they're filming or taking notes or staring and getting off, but if they're coming through to monitor horesplay or hand out towels as some people say then yes they are watching to a point.
    • Gabraham247 wrote:

      silversaxton wrote:

      no forcing, but you can get in trouble for offensive odors. I shower and full nudity is common in locker room and shower area.
      Weird. How would you like to be the teacher or administrator of offensive odor control lol. I mean a lot of teens unfortunately smell. Weird.
      Having had to sit next to someone in class whose hygiene was less than stellar, I'm grateful we shower after PE. The boy I'm referring to, we had first period together. There could be a lot of reasons for his apparent lack of hygiene so I never said anything so as to not embarrass him. Maybe his only opportunity to shower was at school. Homelessness can happen to anyone if that's what his circumstances were
    • Again, it's semantics, but if the teacher is saying everybody must shower, then I consider that they're forcing you to shower. They're not using physical force, but they're using force by rules/punishment. If it's not optional it's "forced" imo. Required is a better term, but it's the sane thing really. And idc. If I was required or forced to shower, I would. Personally I would rather shower then do the stupid stuff they call physical education. I just think it would be stupid for them to force it require us to shower bc first and foremost, I never sweat in PE because they don't require us to do anything that would actually make us sweat. Also I totally get that in 2023 there are kids that don't want the entire boys (or girls) class to see them totally naked.

      maseb wrote:

      Gabraham247 wrote:

      silversaxton wrote:

      no forcing, but you can get in trouble for offensive odors. I shower and full nudity is common in locker room and shower area.
      Weird. How would you like to be the teacher or administrator of offensive odor control lol. I mean a lot of teens unfortunately smell. Weird.
      Having had to sit next to someone in class whose hygiene was less than stellar, I'm grateful we shower after PE. The boy I'm referring to, we had first period together. There could be a lot of reasons for his apparent lack of hygiene so I never said anything so as to not embarrass him. Maybe his only opportunity to shower was at school. Homelessness can happen to anyone if that's what his circumstances were
      I'm always shocked when I hear what percentage of school kids are homeless! Can you imagine your only place to shower is school but your school won't let you shower or they will but you're too shy? Both would be hard. But not as hard as being homeless!
    • I have seen Gosh, I would hope every school would permit homeless kids to take showers and practice daily hygiene. In some instances, the meals provided at school are the only one those teens have on a daily basis.

      pahern0317 wrote:

      Very sad.
      I have seen schools completely close their showers. Turned them into more lockers or storage. In those cases, nobody could shower.
    • Gabraham247 wrote:

      I have seen Gosh, I would hope every school would permit homeless kids to take showers and practice daily hygiene. In some instances, the meals provided at school are the only one those teens have on a daily basis.

      pahern0317 wrote:

      Very sad.
      I have seen schools completely close their showers. Turned them into more lockers or storage. In those cases, nobody could shower.
      Hopefully, those schools are in areas without the homelessness. We are in a more affluent area but I remember reading about the issues that arose during Covid. The schools were closed initially but they (school district) wisely continued the school lunch program. The families were able to pick up breakfast and lunch meals. I read at that time that these were the only meals these kids were getting.

      I am sorry for getting off topic here. This subject really came to mind when G247 mentioned that in an earlier post on this thread. It is easy to forget this when homelessness isn't occurring in our own communities.
    • pahern0317 wrote:

      Gabraham247 wrote:

      I have seen Gosh, I would hope every school would permit homeless kids to take showers and practice daily hygiene. In some instances, the meals provided at school are the only one those teens have on a daily basis.

      pahern0317 wrote:

      Very sad.
      I have seen schools completely close their showers. Turned them into more lockers or storage. In those cases, nobody could shower.
      Hopefully, those schools are in areas without the homelessness. We are in a more affluent area but I remember reading about the issues that arose during Covid. The schools were closed initially but they (school district) wisely continued the school lunch program. The families were able to pick up breakfast and lunch meals. I read at that time that these were the only meals these kids were getting.
      I am sorry for getting off topic here. This subject really came to mind when G247 mentioned that in an earlier post on this thread. It is easy to forget this when homelessness isn't occurring in our own communities.
      There is nothing wrong from my perspective of going off topic here because we are discussing a sad social issue. I live in a small rural town so do not have any experience with homelessness but it would make me very sad if a kid was homeless and relied on the school for showering and meals. I never even thought of this being an issue because its not something I have experience with or really even thought about. Thanks for raising awareness because really this is so sad to see.
    • In my town some school districts completely changed their meal program when covid hit. During vivid every school district in my town gave free meals even though School was virtual. When schools started back up, EVERY meal was free regardless if the family made a million dollars or was homeless. Even today about half of the schools give EVERY student a free meal. The other half has gone back to giving free meals just to the kids whose families qualify for free or reduced lunch. Either way its cool homeless and poverty kids get fed at school. My school offers free food to take home on Fridays if you think your family can't make it till Monday with lack of food at home. It's really cool.
    • That is really cool and I'm glad they do it. A few years ago my soccer team volunteered in a soup kitchen. It was before the world got all messed up with the pandemic but it really opened my eyes to what is out there and made me realize how lucky I am. A lot of people don't have it very good and struggle to put food on the table because it has gotten so stupidly expensive to live.