Locker Room Nudity

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    • We don't have to shower. Even in swim we don't have to. We shower with suits on after swim. The shower is the first thing you see when coming back into the locker room. Usually everyone wears their suit. A few guys will sometimes like drop it or take their stuff out to be weird for a laff. No one cares though. But we typically slide our stuff on and off really, really quick. Like suit down, underwear up in like 1-2 seconds. No one wants to find out someone else is bigger than them lol
    • sneasels everywhere wrote:

      We don't have to shower. Even in swim we don't have to. We shower with suits on after swim. The shower is the first thing you see when coming back into the locker room. Usually everyone wears their suit. A few guys will sometimes like drop it or take their stuff out to be weird for a laff. No one cares though. But we typically slide our stuff on and off really, really quick. Like suit down, underwear up in like 1-2 seconds. No one wants to find out someone else is bigger than them lol
      Wow, very different at your school. I can't imagine anyone showering in suits here at our school. They might leave the suit on for a minute or so to rinse it off but then they would remove it. I guess boys are shyer in your area.
    • sneasels everywhere wrote:

      We don't have to shower. Even in swim we don't have to. We shower with suits on after swim. The shower is the first thing you see when coming back into the locker room. Usually everyone wears their suit. A few guys will sometimes like drop it or take their stuff out to be weird for a laff. No one cares though. But we typically slide our stuff on and off really, really quick. Like suit down, underwear up in like 1-2 seconds. No one wants to find out someone else is bigger than them lol
      This happens more than people think in a lot of schools. The amount of naked school showering that happens in this group is the actual outlier.
    • pahern0317 wrote:

      sneasels everywhere wrote:

      We don't have to shower. Even in swim we don't have to. We shower with suits on after swim. The shower is the first thing you see when coming back into the locker room. Usually everyone wears their suit. A few guys will sometimes like drop it or take their stuff out to be weird for a laff. No one cares though. But we typically slide our stuff on and off really, really quick. Like suit down, underwear up in like 1-2 seconds. No one wants to find out someone else is bigger than them lol
      Wow, very different at your school. I can't imagine anyone showering in suits here at our school. They might leave the suit on for a minute or so to rinse it off but then they would remove it. I guess boys are shyer in your area.
      We just shower to get the chlorine smell off. Its not as strong if you wash everything but your bathing suit area lol.
    • sneasels everywhere wrote:

      pahern0317 wrote:

      sneasels everywhere wrote:

      We don't have to shower. Even in swim we don't have to. We shower with suits on after swim. The shower is the first thing you see when coming back into the locker room. Usually everyone wears their suit. A few guys will sometimes like drop it or take their stuff out to be weird for a laff. No one cares though. But we typically slide our stuff on and off really, really quick. Like suit down, underwear up in like 1-2 seconds. No one wants to find out someone else is bigger than them lol
      Wow, very different at your school. I can't imagine anyone showering in suits here at our school. They might leave the suit on for a minute or so to rinse it off but then they would remove it. I guess boys are shyer in your area.
      We just shower to get the chlorine smell off. Its not as strong if you wash everything but your bathing suit area lol.
      After swimming we start off in our suits and then take them off about halfway finished. This gets the chlorine out of your suit, it's not a modesty thing. For other sports we shower in our birthday suits like normal.
    • Gabraham247 wrote:

      sneasels everywhere wrote:

      We don't have to shower. Even in swim we don't have to. We shower with suits on after swim. The shower is the first thing you see when coming back into the locker room. Usually everyone wears their suit. A few guys will sometimes like drop it or take their stuff out to be weird for a laff. No one cares though. But we typically slide our stuff on and off really, really quick. Like suit down, underwear up in like 1-2 seconds. No one wants to find out someone else is bigger than them lol
      This happens more than people think in a lot of schools. The amount of naked school showering that happens in this group is the actual outlier.
      doesn't make since why someone doesn't strip naked and wash. Ewwwww.
    • Gabraham247 wrote:

      B.B wrote:

      doesn't make since why someone doesn't strip naked and wash. Ewwwww.
      I imagine they value their modesty over washing. Maybe they believe they aren't dirty? ?(
      Some kids in my PE class are slackers and don't exercise enough to get sweaty. Some of them stink but still don't shower. Some guys love to be nude and show off their bodies and spend lots of time in the shower and drying. Everybody is different.

      I don't really like the naked shower thing but I hate even more to stink all day (and PE is in the morning). And I tend to be in the group that really does participate in PE activities, so I tend to get sweaty and dirty.
    • migo3864 wrote:

      Some kids in my PE class are slackers and don't exercise enough to get sweaty. Some of them stink but still don't shower. Some guys love to be nude and show off their bodies and spend lots of time in the shower and drying. Everybody is different.
      I don't really like the naked shower thing but I hate even more to stink all day (and PE is in the morning). And I tend to be in the group that really does participate in PE activities, so I tend to get sweaty and dirty.
      I agree that everybody is different and values different things.

      Kyle07 wrote:

      It’s not a big deal, kinda fun tbh
      I agree. I have fun showering with teammates after team sports. Maybe next week I'll try to set a new trend for my PE class and shower after PE. It'll probably make me late for my English class tho.
    • pahern0317 wrote:

      I guess in Rome do what the Romans do. In our school and every changing room I have ever been in, nudity is not a big deal. You would actually attract attention in doing the towel dance or skipping the showers.

      on the other hand I wouldn't want to be the only naked boy. I am just glad that I don't have to worry about that.
      I think this may be behind some of the differences. Some people are less bothered about doing what others do. If there are a few people who are confident enough to change openly and shower naked then they may take the rest with them and then it becomes the established norm.
    • After PE most guys shower and dress quickly. There really isn’t much time and guys’ comfort level varies. With team sports it’s a lot more relaxed in the locker room. Guys are comfortable walking around naked and carrying on conversations in the shower room.