My ex is pregnant help

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    • My ex is pregnant help

      Basically me n my ex broke up like 3 months ago I think? N she rang me last night balling her eyes out saying she’s pregnant… N that Im the Dad, but the thing is…… She cheated on me like 3x during our relationship n that’s why I left her in the end cos she was fucking a white boy behind my back after I just took her back for the 10,000th time… And I almost always wear a condom whenever I fuck a chick, n then when I’m bout to cum I’ll take it off n cum on there face or tits lmao. I never cum anywhere near their pussy for this exact reason yk??? So I’m sure this kid ain’t mine if she fr is pregnant… Cos she lied bout been preggers before just to get me back, n then claimed she had a miscarriage… Despite no proof at all of any of it ffs?

      So idk if she’s just tryna do the same shit again, or if she actually is pregnant this time? If it’s mine then I’m there (even tho I don’t want a youth yet ffs). But I ain’t gonna raise another guys kid yk??? So idk wtf to do now n during the pregnancy, cos obviously I won’t know if it’s mine til it’s here n I can see if he’s 50/50 or a white kid will I? So idk if I should support her thru it if it is mine, or if I should let her do her thing n have white boy deal with it seen as I’m pretty damn sure it’s his kid if she actually is preggers… Idfk man my heads just fucked over it all rn tbh, idk wtf to think or do ngl

      Someone help me out on wtf to do here fr fr
    • When was the last time you and her had sex? If you haven't done it since you all broke up, like BlackParadePixie said there's no way you could really be the dad, although unless she's been pregnant for months and she just now breaks the news to you.
      Does anyone even pay attention to signatures anyway…?
    • BlackParadePixie wrote:

      so wait, I don't undrrstand....if you broke up with her 3 months ago and haven't had sex with her since....there's no possible way the kid is yours...
      Well, he never actually says how far along she (allegedly) is in the pregnancy, at least nowhere that I saw in the post, unless I'm missing something here. So maybe that's why he's worried - if there's a chance she's at least 3 months along?

      So Danny, my advice is this: First, insist on proof that she's actually pregnant. If she's made this claim before and you know those claims were false, yes, it's absolutely well within the realm of possibility she's lying now. If there is concrete proof that she is indeed pregnant, then insist upon a paternity test, to be administered absolutely ASAP. Do not delay on that! If, in the off-chance that you are shown to be the father, and if she wishes to have the baby and keep it, then man up and be the best father that you can be. And of course, if there is no proof at all of a pregnancy, or if there is but the paternity test says you aren't the father, then absolutely get away from her and block all efforts from her to communicate with you further. She seems like a rather toxic individual.
    • BlackParadePixie wrote:

      so wait, I don't undrrstand....if you broke up with her 3 months ago and haven't had sex with her since....there's no possible way the kid is yours...
      My thoughts exactly lmfao.. She said she’s bout 3 n a half month pregnant n found out last month (which I don’t believe at all tbh? How tf can u be pregnant for 2 month n not know? Won’t u miss 2 periods lmfao..? We did fuck bout a week after I ended it but I got post but clarity n left quick time after yk? N we haven’t spoken or nothing since then.. Idfk, none of it makes sense to me tbh lmao
    • ChrisC05 wrote:

      I am not 100% certain but I believe I read somewhere that DNA testing for paternity can be done as early as 9 or 10 weeks into pregnancy. If your ex is truly pregnant and not trying to get up to take her back , then ask her to get a test that way you will know how to proceed in and support her during pregnancy.
      shit I thought u could only do that shit when the baby was actually here??? Didn’t know u could do it before to..? Thank u tho fr, I’ll look into it n try get her to do one dw
    • Laws wrote:

      When was the last time you and her had sex? If you haven't done it since you all broke up, like BlackParadePixie said there's no way you could really be the dad, although unless she's been pregnant for months and she just now breaks the news to you.
      said it to her just now but bout a week after we split n then nothing since lmao, she’s been pregnant for lil over 3 month tho apparently. Just never told me til then lol
    • Durango wrote:

      BlackParadePixie wrote:

      so wait, I don't undrrstand....if you broke up with her 3 months ago and haven't had sex with her since....there's no possible way the kid is yours...
      Well, he never actually says how far along she (allegedly) is in the pregnancy, at least nowhere that I saw in the post, unless I'm missing something here. So maybe that's why he's worried - if there's a chance she's at least 3 months along?
      So Danny, my advice is this: First, insist on proof that she's actually pregnant. If she's made this claim before and you know those claims were false, yes, it's absolutely well within the realm of possibility she's lying now. If there is concrete proof that she is indeed pregnant, then insist upon a paternity test, to be administered absolutely ASAP. Do not delay on that! If, in the off-chance that you are shown to be the father, and if she wishes to have the baby and keep it, then man up and be the best father that you can be. And of course, if there is no proof at all of a pregnancy, or if there is but the paternity test says you aren't the father, then absolutely get away from her and block all efforts from her to communicate with you further. She seems like a rather toxic individual.
      how far along - said it to other ppl but a lil over 3 month apparently lmao, just never said nothing til then* Cos we ain’t spoke or nothing since we fucked not long after splitting up lmao

      Get proof - yeah Imma go to hers 1 day this week I think, n I’m gonna take a pregnancy test with me n have her do it then cos ik u can buy fake ones that say ur pregnant right..? N that’s the kinda shit she did last time (a mutual friend ratted her out n showed me texts or her planning it lmfao). Never knew u could do a peternity test before the kid was here? Knew u could do 1 after ofc but never knew u could do 1 before, Imma look into it tho this week n try get her to agree to it if I can do lmao (know it’ll be a challenge tho ngl)

      Be the best dad - yeah my dad left when I was real young n it was fucking brutal ngl (that’s y I started boxing tbh, to try n get all that anger out yk???) n I always promised myself I’d be the best dad possible when I did have a kid.. So u ain’t gotta worry bout that lmfao! It’s tough cos I wanna have a kid in a few years, but 1) not yet n 2) not with her crazy fucking ass as the mother ffs aha! I wanna give the kid a solid asf family life yk? N no matter how hard I’d try if I am the dad ik it ain’t happening with her unfortunately..

      She’s toxic - yup… lmfao!! Very toxic.. She’s the kinda woman ud see throwing bricks n shit like that thru her ex’s car window when he breaks up with her n she’d jump on the front of the car as her ex was driving away n shit like that yk? (Speaking from experience trust me lmfao)
    • Laws wrote:

      Eilae wrote:

      Why does it upset you that she cheated with a white boy? Aren’t you white?
      His bio says he's white but according to his post he's apparently not.
      What in the bloody heck.
      said it to some1 else but my mothers white n dad is/was black lmao, couldn’t see a mixed thing on my profile when I was setting it up real quick but I found it a sec ago n fixed it seen as ppl seem to have such a big issue with it lmfao, really doesn’t matter at all tbh but yeah, hope ur happy with it now that it’s exactly accurate haha
    • DannyYoung95 wrote:

      Laws wrote:

      Eilae wrote:

      Why does it upset you that she cheated with a white boy? Aren’t you white?
      His bio says he's white but according to his post he's apparently not.What in the bloody heck.
      said it to some1 else but my mothers white n dad is/was black lmao, couldn’t see a mixed thing on my profile when I was setting it up real quick but I found it a sec ago n fixed it seen as ppl seem to have such a big issue with it lmfao, really doesn’t matter at all tbh but yeah, hope ur happy with it now that it’s exactly accurate haha
      Right… so you’re half white, sounds racist to have single him out as white - your mother is and your skin is too

      just be careful because racism isn’t cool
    • Eilae wrote:

      DannyYoung95 wrote:

      Laws wrote:

      Eilae wrote:

      Why does it upset you that she cheated with a white boy? Aren’t you white?
      His bio says he's white but according to his post he's apparently not.What in the bloody heck.
      said it to some1 else but my mothers white n dad is/was black lmao, couldn’t see a mixed thing on my profile when I was setting it up real quick but I found it a sec ago n fixed it seen as ppl seem to have such a big issue with it lmfao, really doesn’t matter at all tbh but yeah, hope ur happy with it now that it’s exactly accurate haha
      Right… so you’re half white, sounds racist to have single him out as white - your mother is and your skin is too
      just be careful because racism isn’t cool
      Dealt with racism my whole damn life unfortunately haha, just replied to ur dm but I didn’t mean for it to sound as bad as it did lmfao.. 3 of my closest friends are white as well as my mother n basically all her side of the family yk? So I obviously don’t have a issue with white ppl at all, just that particular white guy that’s all lmao.. Sorry if I offended u or any1 else fr, didn’t mean to lmao