Lost twins?

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    • Thank you Kara.

      While this is very interesting on it's own, this isn't quite what I was referring to. Those people may look alike, but they most likely don't share the deep soul bond that many actual twins do.

      I'm referring to that feeling deep inside you can't ignore; the feeling that there is, or should be someone out there that can understand you and love you like no other. The feeling you get when you look up at the moon on a clear night, and swear you FEEL someone, someone specific, but you can't pinpoint who they are, but you know they are there, somewhere.

      It's the kind of thing that only the people who have experienced it can truly understand, I think.

      Really, if you are interested, you can look up "Womb Twin Survivors" and read about some of the characteristics of being a womb twin survivor.
    • simon12345 wrote:

      as well as womb twin survivors, do twins have an extra bond that normal siblings don't? Is the bond even closer if you are identical as opposed to fraternal twins?

      Essentially, identical twins generally have the closest bond possible between two human beings. They even sometimes seem to communicate telepathically. Fraternal twins can have such a bond, but not as often or strong. Now some twins don’t get along. That isn’t unheard of. But again, most are closer than most can ever understand.

      Regular siblings don’t have that at all. Some may be very close, but a majority of siblings seem to have difficulty getting along at all and often fight.

      Womb twin survivors, that’s where you ARE a twin!! Your DNA is literally encoded as a twin, different from everyone else from the moment of conception. You just don’t know it, because your twin didn’t make it during the pregnancy and, oftentimes, no one knows about it. This happens in about 10-15% of births and most never find out.

      But, because you are a twin, you know it subconsciously. You’ll always be searching for that bond. Always trying to connect that way with someone, oftentimes closer than the other wants, which means they reject you. This leaves you feeling so hurt and alone, every time. It triggers those deep, buried subconscious feelings of being left alone.

      You may also feel like it’s hard to connect with others. Like you want to and need to so bad, but once you find differences between you and the one you are trying to connect with, it’s very difficult to reconcile that in your mind.
    • By the way, I found a computer game made about this very topic actually.

      “Beyond: Two Souls”

      The story is that a girl has a fraternal twin, a brother, who died during birth. He has stayed with her always, protecting her and guiding her in life.

      There’s a spiritual tether that connects them. Once she learns of him, she can communicate with him and he with her. The player can be both twins, one in the spiritual realm, and one in the mortal world.

      Very interesting.
    • Anonem wrote:

      By the way, I found a computer game made about this very topic actually.

      “Beyond: Two Souls”

      The story is that a girl has a fraternal twin, a brother, who died during birth. He has stayed with her always, protecting her and guiding her in life.

      There’s a spiritual tether that connects them. Once she learns of him, she can communicate with him and he with her. The player can be both twins, one in the spiritual realm, and one in the mortal world.

      Very interesting.
      One sad story of twins I read in terms of that connection was when one twin was visiting a friend, and was knocked down and sadly killed by a car on the way home. The other twin immediately knew something bad had happened and said so to their mum well before police turned up at the door with the bad news.
    • simon12345 wrote:

      Anonem wrote:

      By the way, I found a computer game made about this very topic actually.

      “Beyond: Two Souls”

      The story is that a girl has a fraternal twin, a brother, who died during birth. He has stayed with her always, protecting her and guiding her in life.

      There’s a spiritual tether that connects them. Once she learns of him, she can communicate with him and he with her. The player can be both twins, one in the spiritual realm, and one in the mortal world.

      Very interesting.
      One sad story of twins I read in terms of that connection was when one twin was visiting a friend, and was knocked down and sadly killed by a car on the way home. The other twin immediately knew something bad had happened and said so to their mum well before police turned up at the door with the bad news.
      That is so sad. Many people would have a hard time going on after that. It would literally be like half of you dying. That’s what I mean about the telepathic connection. Even over distances, you can feel them.
    • There are two identical twins on my soccer team that I'm friends with outside of soccer and since this thread I've been kinda observing them more and more. I already knew that they were in synch with one another ... they finish each other's sentences but something I've noticed with game play being a striker and them forwards as well (opposing wings). They make plays that seem impossible sometimes. They just have a sense of where the other is and on an entirely different level that I've not seen before. They look exactly alike and really the only way to tell them apart is by the way they each wear their hair. One has longer hair than the other lol. Anyway, they seem telepathic with one another and they have said they can feel each other's pain. They do have personality differences in that one is the leader of the two, alpha vs beta so to speak. But its funny carrying on a conversation with them because one will be talking along and the other will finish the thought and it just seems so natural. Its impossible to explain proper I think?
    • Yep! That’s often the case.

      Almost all twin pairs have an alpha, a leader, and a beta, the follower. Natural I suppose. I don’t think it would work otherwise. There definitely is a telepathic bond that isn’t just mental, it’s also spiritual. I’ve heard some twins describe their twin relationships as “we share the same soul”.

      Interestingly, the bond is so strong that you will feel that way about each other that you will still feel them and sense their pain and thoughts across great distances, even if your twin wasn’t born.
    • Anonem wrote:

      Yep! That’s often the case.

      Almost all twin pairs have an alpha, a leader, and a beta, the follower. Natural I suppose. I don’t think it would work otherwise. There definitely is a telepathic bond that isn’t just mental, it’s also spiritual. I’ve heard some twins describe their twin relationships as “we share the same soul”.

      Interestingly, the bond is so strong that you will feel that way about each other that you will still feel them and sense their pain and thoughts across great distances, even if your twin wasn’t born.
      I guess usually the twin who is a few minutes older is dominant, I don't have a twin brother, but I do have an older brother, and quite a bit older, but in Poland there used to be a tandem of politicians, twin brothers Jarosław and Lech Kaczyński, but Lech, who was President of Poland died tragically in an air accident of the presidential plane, Jarosław suspected that it was an attack on his brother by the Kremlin and the FSB and now, looking back, he was probably right.
      But it was supposedly Jarosław who was the dominant and first-born twin.
      They liked to compare themselves to the American political tandem of the Kennedy Brothers, but he was rather their antithesis

      I wonder what it's like if someone did an experiment on twins without telling them who was born first
    • Anonem wrote:

      Almost all twin pairs have an alpha, a leader, and a beta, the follower. Natural I suppose. I don’t think it would work otherwise. There definitely is a telepathic bond that isn’t just mental, it’s also spiritual. I’ve heard some twins describe their twin relationships as “we share the same soul”.
      I agree with this. My twin sister is opposite of myself. She is extroverted, natural leader, always in control and dominant (especially to me). I am none of those. I don't know how it would be with identical twins, but fraternal twins, this seems to be true. Even when we were really little, she was the dominant one.