Can people tell you're gay/bi?

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    • collin13 wrote:

      Well, for what it is worth ... I don't have the foggiest idea who Sam Smith is, nor do I care what he/she/they/them identifies as! I'm still trying to figure out how a stereotype exists that Brits somehow fit a gay stereotype. What is it about a Brit that makes this so? Unless you are referring to Elton John, who most definitely is flamboyant and gay! My theme in life is you do you. Just don't identify as a cat, cos urban legend dictates that it may be a fight to get a litter box put in the school bathroom!
      FWIW, I never said I or others feel every Brit fits a gay stereotype. My point was/is that for some reason, for me and a lot of others I've spoken to and listened to in media, that Brits seem to check that box more than Americans. Is it the accent? Maybe? Is it that they are more comfortable with being what they are and less homophobic? Maybe? Is it because Americans see so many gay Brit actors and musicians and not many straight Brit plumbers and teachers on our TVs? Maybe? Who knows what frames our unconsciousness? Its odd. I can say it's odd that you don't know who Sam Smith is, but honestly it doesn't matter what others think or who they know as long as they respect and value others! My theme in life is you do you and I love and value and respect others.
    • Gabraham247 wrote:

      And yes anyone can find random photos to make any point. I totally agree that NBA players dress wack (of course not all NBA players are American, which I think you were trying to make a point about Americans, but whatever).
      Nearly every NBA, NFL (and possibly other American sport) they dress in bright flamboyant stuff turning up to games. While English Football/soccer, rugby players turn up in black suits or tracksuits. ?( not really random or a stereotype.

      But that's off topic. But the fact there are only a very small amount of openly gay players in UK in those sports, doesn't really fit with your stereotype either. But I'm not sure if there's many openly gay American sports people either

      Your opinion of what someone British seems like me baseing my opinion on Donald Trump and Abraham Lincoln. Absolutely no one is like most of the British in most American TV shows I've seen :lol:

      And maybe look at Freddie Mercury, A Brit (ok he was originally from Zanzibar) who went to America because of the more open gay scene (which didn't exist here)

      Good Friend :play: Kinda Romantic :love: Ready to Rock :zomg:

      "If you try to follow fashion you'll always be chasing, and probably never catch it. If you be yourself and make your own style, fashion might just bump into you one day."
    • This has gotten way off topic. My point was that a person can guess/assume, but no, there's no way to no. I tried to use random assumptions that proved my point that assumptions were wrong, and I obviously proved my point, but some people didn't like some of my examples. And that's perfectly fine.

      Again, answer to the OP's question: no.
    • Gabraham247 wrote:

      This has gotten way off topic. My point was that a person can guess/assume, but no, there's no way to no. I tried to use random assumptions that proved my point that assumptions were wrong, and I obviously proved my point, but some people didn't like some of my examples. And that's perfectly fine.

      Again, answer to the OP's question: no.
      You say that it's gotten way off topic but to be frank with you, you certainly have an input resulting in guiding it off topic.. just saying :P
      Live for today
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    • theletters wrote:

      Can people usually tell? im a lil bit zesty so most people can figure it out on their own. im not closeted at all, so its not a secret but most people will assume i'm at least bi.
      My bf and I both act normally, no one could tell we are gay and that we are together.
      My friends I came out to were surprised when I told them
    • Jake445 wrote:

      I'm bi but apart from me hugging all my friends in school, not just the girls, I don't think it was very obvious really.
      Hugging shouldn't be a sign of sexual preference, or anything else other than you are affectionate and not afraid to show it. I hug my male and female friends and I'm straight. I admit I hug them both differently tho. Guys I more just quickly bro hug.
    • Gabraham247 wrote:

      Jake445 wrote:

      I'm bi but apart from me hugging all my friends in school, not just the girls, I don't think it was very obvious really.
      Hugging shouldn't be a sign of sexual preference, or anything else other than you are affectionate and not afraid to show it. I hug my male and female friends and I'm straight. I admit I hug them both differently tho. Guys I more just quickly bro hug.
      True and it's good that you hug all your friends but some boys will still be shy about even a short hug from another boy.
      19, Twin.
    • I don't know if someone can tell if someone else is gay/bi just by looking at them (this is assuming that the gay/bi person wasn't caught in the act of making out with another person of the same sex or anything like that). At the same time, I'm reminded of another thread here about those who are LGBT and who have come out and what the reactions of others were. I know that when I came out, some people who knew me weren't the least bit surprised, and some other people here on TeenHut have reported similar occurrences when they came out (people who knew them either knew outright already or, at the very least, weren't surprised), so maybe there is a way that one can tell these kinds of things.
    • Durango wrote:

      I don't know if someone can tell if someone else is gay/bi just by looking at them (this is assuming that the gay/bi person wasn't caught in the act of making out with another person of the same sex or anything like that). At the same time, I'm reminded of another thread here about those who are LGBT and who have come out and what the reactions of others were. I know that when I came out, some people who knew me weren't the least bit surprised, and some other people here on TeenHut have reported similar occurrences when they came out (people who knew them either knew outright already or, at the very least, weren't surprised), so maybe there is a way that one can tell these kinds of things.
      That's a great point for sure. When I came out, no one was surprised. It could be because I never showed interests in girls or any number of other reasons I guess but I'm definitely masculine in how I carry myself and behave if that makes sense.
    • Gabraham247 wrote:

      Jake445 wrote:

      I'm bi but apart from me hugging all my friends in school, not just the girls, I don't think it was very obvious really.
      Hugging shouldn't be a sign of sexual preference, or anything else other than you are affectionate and not afraid to show it. I hug my male and female friends and I'm straight. I admit I hug them both differently tho. Guys I more just quickly bro hug.
      True, it should not be a sign of orientation. But that depends on the observer, not the hugger. In Mexico, where I spend summers and some holidays, people touch everyone. You put your arm around your friends shoulders to talk to him. You hug everyone. You touch everyone. It is just part of friendship. But in the USA, where I spend the school year (or at least at my school), touching another boy means you are gay. So I guess what "should be" or "shouldn't be" isn't really up to us, but is up to the people around us.