School and Mass Shooting Incidents

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    • Great points Ryzen for sure! I agree with you. What I don't agree with is not holding politicians and world leaders to a higher standard. I also don't agree with not holding them to the very standards that they say (dictate) that we, the minions, must abide by. I would hope that they all have integrity and lead by example. Sadly what we have is a bunch of pigs at the trough who I, and a lot of people I know, have zero respect for. Their behaviours set the tone for how one must act and when the minions (us) see their conduct, it is no wonder that we have the problems that we do.

      Polarization aside, I still don't understand the need for people to own weapons (I call them weapons cos guns doesn't adequately describe them) that are automated to spew out hundreds of bullets a minute. Why does the general population need that? It makes no sense. I fail to understand why those in Government and those in the general population believe they need it. Can someone explain to me why you need a semi automatic rifle? You certainly aren't out hunting Bambi with it! You'd tear him up so fast that his meat would be useless to you!
    • Automatic weapons are simply weapons of war, nothing else, and @collin13 I agree with you. I don't see any reason for a private citizen to own one, but that's just my opinion. Here in the USA, Republican members of Congress have taken to wearing AK47 pins on their lapels where they used to wear a flag pin. I can't comprehend how incredibly insensitive that is when there are mass shootings weakly here. My dad says he's never seen a group so out of touch with society
    • maseb wrote:

      Automatic weapons are simply weapons of war, nothing else, and @collin13 I agree with you. I don't see any reason for a private citizen to own one, but that's just my opinion. Here in the USA, Republican members of Congress have taken to wearing AK47 pins on their lapels where they used to wear a flag pin. I can't comprehend how incredibly insensitive that is when there are mass shootings weakly here. My dad says he's never seen a group so out of touch with society
      I think all of them are out of touch with reality. It's a hard sell for me to believe that any of them in politics are in it for the greater good. Why can't they find a centrist candidate that takes the best of both worlds in moderation rather than these two opposing sides that are wildly apart on solutions? I still think that politicians have caused the great divide in the United States. They certainly have in Canada, where I live ... Its ridiculous. I have family members who won't even talk to each other anymore because of politics. How asinine is that?

      And I agree. A regular private citizen doesn't need a semi automatic weapon and that is exactly what they are ... weapons. No one can convince me otherwise.
    • I have heard military vets say they like to shoot AR rifles at shooting targets once out of serving in the military. I agree that I can't think of a reason for a private citizen to own one, but I also have a hard time telling a human who literally put their life on the line so we can stay at home and play video games and make tiktoks that they can't do something. On the other hand, they once had tanks and bazookas and now can't. I'm divided I guess.
    • Gabraham247 wrote:

      I have heard military vets say they like to shoot AR rifles at shooting targets once out of serving in the military. I agree that I can't think of a reason for a private citizen to own one, but I also have a hard time telling a human who literally put their life on the line so we can stay at home and play video games and make tiktoks that they can't do something. On the other hand, they once had tanks and bazookas and now can't. I'm divided I guess.
      I think any real veteran wouldn't want guns, especially ones that are only for killing others, on the street. After they've seen there friends killed by them in war ;( and fought so that everyone could be free (free to live without a fear of being shot and killed?)

      I think it's OK in a safe environment like shooting ranges. But outside of that the only reason to have a gun on you would be to kill someone (even if you say its in self defense)

      Good Friend :play: Kinda Romantic :love: Ready to Rock :zomg:

      "If you try to follow fashion you'll always be chasing, and probably never catch it. If you be yourself and make your own style, fashion might just bump into you one day."
    • BJade wrote:

      Gabraham247 wrote:

      I have heard military vets say they like to shoot AR rifles at shooting targets once out of serving in the military. I agree that I can't think of a reason for a private citizen to own one, but I also have a hard time telling a human who literally put their life on the line so we can stay at home and play video games and make tiktoks that they can't do something. On the other hand, they once had tanks and bazookas and now can't. I'm divided I guess.
      I think any real veteran wouldn't want guns, especially ones that are only for killing others, on the street. After they've seen there friends killed by them in war ;( and fought so that everyone could be free (free to live without a fear of being shot and killed?)
      I think it's OK in a safe environment like shooting ranges. But outside of that the only reason to have a gun on you would be to kill someone (even if you say its in self defense)
      They’re important for farmers and hunters too

      it’s the ones that keep getting used in the mass shootings that are based on military guns that seem to be so problematic
    • BJade wrote:

      I think any real veteran wouldn't want guns,
      i think EVERY Veteran is a "real" vet. I'm not sure what an unreal veteran is. Even if you only spent one tour in war. Heck, even if you NEVER saw combat, you're a REAL veteran. You signed up to potentially die for others.That's a lot. That's everything. I don't think I could do it. But I definitely respect it.

      And furthermore, I don't think there's any proof I've ever seen that shows that military vets who were trained to use guns end up disliking guns. Not guns of any type. At least I haven't seen those studies.
    • Gabraham247 wrote:

      BJade wrote:

      I think any real veteran wouldn't want guns,
      i think EVERY Veteran is a "real" vet. I'm not sure what an unreal veteran is. Even if you only spent one tour in war. Heck, even if you NEVER saw combat, you're a REAL veteran. You signed up to potentially die for others.That's a lot. That's everything. I don't think I could do it. But I definitely respect it.
      And furthermore, I don't think there's any proof I've ever seen that shows that military vets who were trained to use guns end up disliking guns. Not guns of any type. At least I haven't seen those studies.
      Some spend it in an office or kitchen I guess?
    • Eilae wrote:

      Gabraham247 wrote:

      BJade wrote:

      I think any real veteran wouldn't want guns,
      i think EVERY Veteran is a "real" vet. I'm not sure what an unreal veteran is. Even if you only spent one tour in war. Heck, even if you NEVER saw combat, you're a REAL veteran. You signed up to potentially die for others.That's a lot. That's everything. I don't think I could do it. But I definitely respect it.And furthermore, I don't think there's any proof I've ever seen that shows that military vets who were trained to use guns end up disliking guns. Not guns of any type. At least I haven't seen those studies.
      Some spend it in an office or kitchen I guess?
      True. Not every military person sees combat. Even when we send people into harm's way, there has to be support people helping the combat personnel. That's true. There's always levels of sacrifice. But combat military have to eat and be supported by people in offices.
    • Eilae wrote:

      Gabraham247 wrote:

      BJade wrote:

      I think any real veteran wouldn't want guns,
      i think EVERY Veteran is a "real" vet. I'm not sure what an unreal veteran is. Even if you only spent one tour in war. Heck, even if you NEVER saw combat, you're a REAL veteran. You signed up to potentially die for others.That's a lot. That's everything. I don't think I could do it. But I definitely respect it.And furthermore, I don't think there's any proof I've ever seen that shows that military vets who were trained to use guns end up disliking guns. Not guns of any type. At least I haven't seen those studies.
      Some spend it in an office or kitchen I guess?
      Yes, army gathers many jobs not just combat : cooks to make meals for every one, mechs to repair vehicles, computer and network technicians, etc