Having to pee after ejaculating

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    • Having to pee after ejaculating

      Does anyone ever find that they have to pee soon after ejaculating? Sometimes I find that I do. It's not so bad if I ejaculated after jacking off, but it's really annoying if it's after having had sex with a girl. I hate it because it's annoying when we start cuddling after sex and then I have to tell her "Oh hold on baby, I gotta go pee!"
    • maseb wrote:

      shimmer wrote:

      You should just do it before.
      That wouldn't make any difference. We typically need to after ejaculation, it's what the male body does
      I have a question and it is probably stupid. Instead of doing on clothes or towels, why not do it into the toilet and then peeing right after? just like stand there and pull it then pee?
    • Well, even though the original asker seems to have been banned, I'll answer anyway just in case anyone else is wondering the same thing (I've had a couple of other people ask me some form of the first question in PMs):

      shimmer wrote:

      You should just do it before.
      This is what's so strange about it and what's bugging me - I don't have to go before, but after I blow my load, there are times where suddenly I've really got to go a few minutes later.

      shimmer wrote:

      maseb wrote:

      shimmer wrote:

      You should just do it before.
      That wouldn't make any difference. We typically need to after ejaculation, it's what the male body does
      I have a question and it is probably stupid. Instead of doing on clothes or towels, why not do it into the toilet and then peeing right after? just like stand there and pull it then pee?
      If it was just when I jack off, then that probably wouldn't be a bad idea, but it also happens when I have sex with someone else, so it's really annoying when we're doing stuff after sex like cuddling or falling asleep in each other's arms and then I have to jump up to go take a leak.
    • Darian wrote:

      ...This is what's so strange about it and what's bugging me - I don't have to go before, but after I blow my load, there are times where suddenly I've really got to go a few minutes later.

      Certainly I have experienced this and, by the other replies, so have others and it is quite normal.

      I have read one theory as to why it happens. When we haven't just ejaculated, the need to pee is brought on by stretch receptors in the bladder signalling to the brain that the bladder is getting full. On the other hand, if the bladder was only just full enough to trigger that, pretty much as soon as we started peeing, the stretch receptors would be reporting that the bladder is no longer full so possibly we would then stop without fully emptying it. That means we would need to go a lot more often.

      So the theory is that the sensation of liquid in the urethra, the tube that leads from the bladder, though the prostate and up to the tip of the penis, maintains the need to go so we carry on peeing until the flow has stopped.

      Back to ejaculating, there can often be some residual semen in the urethra once we have stopped ejaculating just as, if we use a garden hose for a while and then turn off the tap, there is still water in the hose which tends to come out as we wind it up. Semen, at least initially, is thicker than pee and therefore less likely to run out on its own, though it does then become thinner which is why some people people find some leaks out about 10 minutes later.

      So, one possibility is that residual semen in the urethra is triggering the feeling of needing to pee so maybe the same trick will work as for reducing after-leakage, i.e. running your finger along the bottom of your penis, where the urethra is closer to the surface, from base to tip, to "milk" out at least some of the residue.

      The other thing that may help, if you don't already do this, is to keep up the stimulation right to the end. If you thrust/stroke just to the point of no return and then just let is happen by reflex, the contractions can finish sooner. If you keep thrusting/stroking until nothing is coming out you may find that leaves less residue in the urethra.

      shimmer wrote:

      I have a question and it is probably stupid. Instead of doing on clothes or towels, why not do it into the toilet and then peeing right after? just like stand there and pull it then pee?

      Not a stupid question at all, but there are a few reasons:
      1. As already mentioned, this really only applies to masturbation, not sex.
      2. Aim, particularly as, for some of us, how far it squirts varies quite a lot. One time when I tried this, as a toilet cubicle was the only place I had any privacy, I was expecting the spurts to go a few inches and instead I ended up shooting really far so it ended up all over the cistern, the wall and the floor rather than in the toilet. You can bet that had I expected it to shoot like that and stood further back, it would have only gone a few inches and ended up on the floor in front of the toilet.
      3. The toilet just isn't a very sexy place and, for me, standing up in there isn't the ideal position. If masturbation was just about dumping some semen to make room for fresh, and therefore our objective was to do that as efficiently as possible with the least mess, then doing it in front of the toilet or a sink may make sense. But it is also about feeling sexual and is also one of life's great pleasures even before we get to the point of cumming, then cumming, whether from masturbation or sex, is the most intensely pleasurable physical sensation we can feel. Therefore some of us, while being prepared for the mess so we can clean up at the end, then optimise for greatest pleasure and, for me, that means relaxed in bed and not in front of the toilet.
      On that last point, I noticed that the questioner is a girl and it seems to be there is a fundamental difference between the sexes here. In both sexes, at puberty, our bodies start preparing for reproduction so, for girls, building up the lining of the uterus and releasing an egg and, for boys, starting to make sperm and the liquid part of the semen to transport them and, in both sexes, this far it is completely involuntary and automatic.

      For girls, though, dealing with the fact that our fertility is not needed for a few years is also automatic, i.e. shedding the lining in a period, and is completely separate from sexual arousal and orgasm and therefore also has nothing to do with masturbation. I would imagine girls would want to deal with periods as efficiently as possible while they would be more inclined to want feel relaxed and sexy when choosing to masturbate.

      For guys, though, there isn't the same split. Our bodies are set up to ejaculate the semen we produce and this is all tried up with getting horny and responding to it, i.e. when we're horny we have a strong urge to do something that brings us to orgasm and ejaculation. The bit of our brain that controls that seems unaware of whether we ejaculate into a girl who subsequently becomes pregnant, a girl who doesn't become pregnant, the end of a condom, a mouth, a tissue, onto our bellies or anywhere else. It just orchestrates the ejaculation and rewards us with the pleasure of orgasm so, for us, maintenance of our reproductive system and sexual pleasure are one and the same.
    • Darian wrote:

      Well, even though the original asker seems to have been banned, I'll answer anyway just in case anyone else is wondering the same thing (I've had a couple of other people ask me some form of the first question in PMs):

      shimmer wrote:

      You should just do it before.
      This is what's so strange about it and what's bugging me - I don't have to go before, but after I blow my load, there are times where suddenly I've really got to go a few minutes later.

      shimmer wrote:

      maseb wrote:

      shimmer wrote:

      You should just do it before.
      That wouldn't make any difference. We typically need to after ejaculation, it's what the male body does
      I have a question and it is probably stupid. Instead of doing on clothes or towels, why not do it into the toilet and then peeing right after? just like stand there and pull it then pee?
      If it was just when I jack off, then that probably wouldn't be a bad idea, but it also happens when I have sex with someone else, so it's really annoying when we're doing stuff after sex like cuddling or falling asleep in each other's arms and then I have to jump up to go take a leak.
      And now you're banned too lol.

      Tbh it's really not that hard to take a piss after nutting. So what if the timing isn't perfect for you. If you gotta go, you gotta go. And we all gotta go sooner or later. I'm sure if you're with a girl she will understand. And fwiw they say it's best for our bodies to pee after sex. Especially for girls. So maybe after sex, you and the girl should pee together.
    • theletters wrote:

      i think you can get a uti technically if you don't piss after cumming. so yeah its probably best to go anyways
      Has anyone done any trials on this? I can see the theory: semen contains fructose which could be a growth medium for bacteria. But, for that to happen, bacteria have to get in there and normally the urethra would be sterile. Then, even if you don't pee immediately, you will before too long. The longest time without would be if you went to sleep and then peed first thing in the morning.
    • Sean2001 wrote:

      theletters wrote:

      i think you can get a uti technically if you don't piss after cumming. so yeah its probably best to go anyways
      Has anyone done any trials on this? I can see the theory: semen contains fructose which could be a growth medium for bacteria. But, for that to happen, bacteria have to get in there and normally the urethra would be sterile. Then, even if you don't pee immediately, you will before too long. The longest time without would be if you went to sleep and then peed first thing in the morning.
      Trials? No. But it's a well known fact that peeing after sex helps reduce the risks of a UTI. How much? Idk. It might be minimal or miniscule.