Passing out while mastrubating?

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    • Passing out while mastrubating?

      I've passed out/fallen asleep during masturbating a lot recently. I'd wake up and I couldn't remember when my hand got down there. It's happened while sharing my bed with my sister and I don't know what is causing it. I haven't drank/used drugs, though I'm on strong sleep and depression meds. Any advice?
    • If you were an older person, you'd want to see a doctor to find out why, but you're 13 so we know why.

      Definitely mention it to the doctor who has you on the sleep and depression meds, in case your meds need adjusting.

      It is time to stop sharing a bed with your sister. Talk to your parents about that before your sister blabs about this at school and Child and Family Services gets involved.

      Also, if you had your own bedroom, you could have longer masturbation sessions before bed to take the edge off. For me, having evening masturbation sessions eliminated this.

      Be sure to mention this to your doctor if it keeps happening.
    • I agree that you need to go to the doctor to review your medication. It maybe that you needed the sleeping medication at a particular time when the natural mechanism for falling asleep wasn't enough, perhaps a time when your stressed, for example. Maybe now your body's natural mechanism is enough or you need a lower dose.
    • simon12345 wrote:

      i think a lot of boys fall asleep after their orgasms, so I assume it the same for girls. ads yu are on sleeping tablets?
      For guys, this sleepy feeling is due to hormones released into the blood, not out with the semen, when we cum and this is, I believe, responsible for the refractory period, i.e. when we are temporarily not horny any more. That also seems to be triggered by ejaculation rather than by orgasm so both boys who are too young to ejaculate and girls can continue for more orgasms in a row. So I would guess the sleepiness probably doesn't apply to girls either.

      Then, the original question was about falling asleep during masturbation, not after it. That has happened to me, very occasionally, when it has been a busy day and I was just too tired to make it to the end but, in my case, no sleeoing pills were involved.