Pain in the testicles from frequent masturbation

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    • I am not sure I believe the "balls having to work harder" idea because, AFAIK, they produce sperm continuously at the same rate whether you ejaculate frequently, ejaculate less often or even never ejaculate.

      There are a couple of other possibilities. One is what is often called "blue balls". Obviously they don't literally turn blue, I think it is blue as in singing the blues etc. That is usually more of a dull ache than a sharp pain and people more usually have that when they have been highly aroused for a long time without cumming, for example making out that goes on for a while but never goes any further. This is caused because the arousal causes increased blood flow to the whole area. It resolves once the arousal has come to an end so usually that will happen faster if you cum, so on getting home from that long make out session it can help to masturbate, but will also resolve on its own if your mind turns to more mundane things for a while.

      If that is the explanation here then maybe the issue is that something has caused you to spend most of the day aroused and that is what caused the frequent masturbation rather than the masturbation being directly responsible for the ache.

      The other is just banging them around too much. If that is the explanation then maybe work out how to make them move less.