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    • Growing up as a child all through school I was bullied both boys and girls in my school just because I was Korean, now my brother that is 11 years younger than I am is going through the same bullying as I went through as he goes through school, why do kids have to be so mean and cruel just because we are of Korean? Although after I graduated it seemed like the bullying has stopped me but it's saddens me to see my little brother going through the same torment as I have gone through. My main question is why do kids have to be so cruel to others that are not like them? Has anyone been bullied in school just because you're not like others in your school?
    • I’m sorry to read this, Barbara. I think a lot of people have experienced some form of bullying, whether it’s obvious or not. Unfortunately, sometimes the need to deflect negative attention from themselves, the desire to fit in with others, and having problems at home (and I’m sure many other reasons) can cause someone to say or do mean things to another. Anything that may be different than others is something to target….ethnicity, social status and family income, any type of disability

      I think if more people actually talked and got to know one another as people, we’d realize that a lot of us have things in our lives that we can actually help each other get though <3
    • I have not been bullied myself but have had a few friends get bullied and it also saddens me when I see such bullying or harrassing going on, I will personally get in the middle between the bully and person being bullied and nip that right in the bud.

      I am sorry you had to and your brother has to endure such behavior. I fell a bully does what they do to get attentilon
    • CayceDouble wrote:

      I’m sorry to read this, Barbara. I think a lot of people have experienced some form of bullying, whether it’s obvious or not. Unfortunately, sometimes the need to deflect negative attention from themselves, the desire to fit in with others, and having problems at home (and I’m sure many other reasons) can cause someone to say or do mean things to another. Anything that may be different than others is something to target….ethnicity, social status and family income, any type of disability

      I think if more people actually talked and got to know one another as people, we’d realize that a lot of us have things in our lives that we can actually help each other get though <3
      that is so very true and I agree. I noticed that after graduation that the bullying has stopped for me and much happier. I realize as we get older we've come more mature along with others and now I rarely have comments of my ethnicity decent of being Korean I'm proud of it. But what really killed me and makes me sad is that my little brother has to go through the same torment as I have gone through as I am sure the bullying will stop for him as it has for me as he gets older. Until then my heart aches until he is Bully free. My mother and I have always taught my brother to be proud of who he is.
    • I'm not sure what he can do ;(

      telling a teacher would probably be the best, but that would depend if the teacher does anything about it, and getting a bully in trouble could just make them angrier (and make them turn friends away for snitching)

      Ignoring them and finding good friends :D though if the bullies are determined they'd still do it. But at least he'd have friends supporting him :/

      Beat them up ?( not really a good idea, but unfortunately sometimes the only way to show that your not going to take it, and make them think it's easier to bully someone else

      ;( not sure it ever stops really. Still see bullying for race, sex, gender every day. Even the government now seems to put people down for where they come from (even when theyre immigrants themselves) and other reasons.

      Good Friend :play: Kinda Romantic :love: Ready to Rock :zomg:

      "If you try to follow fashion you'll always be chasing, and probably never catch it. If you be yourself and make your own style, fashion might just bump into you one day."
    • Erick0504 wrote:

      I have not been bullied myself but have had a few friends get bullied and it also saddens me when I see such bullying or harrassing going on, I will personally get in the middle between the bully and person being bullied and nip that right in the bud.

      I am sorry you had to and your brother has to endure such behavior. I fell a bully does what they do to get attentilon
      I would do exactly how Erick described. For sure I would step in and probably give them similar treatment. I've done it before at school to the bullies surprise - just a little squaring up but they didn't accept my challenge :P
      Live for today
    • ugh my heart aches for you and your brother Barbara ;( he can take comfort knowing your story and that it will pass but yea that doesn't help right now...... kids can be so cruel to anyone who is different and no easy answers here. You are a good big sister and he is so lucky to have you.
    • Unfortunately I cannot push back on the bullies as I am at work when he is at school . Mom and I have contacted the guidance counselor and the principal and they advised us they would be watching . My little brother has gotten into fights in the past but the bullying continue . Mom and I have contacted the parents of the bullies with no avail and I continue with their comments and bullying. Where do we go from there
    • Barbra wrote:

      Unfortunately I cannot push back on the bullies as I am at work when he is at school . Mom and I have contacted the guidance counselor and the principal and they advised us they would be watching . My little brother has gotten into fights in the past but the bullying continue . Mom and I have contacted the parents of the bullies with no avail and I continue with their comments and bullying. Where do we go from there
      You and your mom have really tried to do the right thing. I wasn't really advocating for your brother to get into an actual fistfight at school. It's been my experience that most bullies are cowards. That would get him thrown out. Sounds like the school wants to help. It's shocking and very disappointing that the parents of the bullies are not taking proper corrections.

      Keep us posted.
    • pahern0317 wrote:

      Barbra wrote:

      Unfortunately I cannot push back on the bullies as I am at work when he is at school . Mom and I have contacted the guidance counselor and the principal and they advised us they would be watching . My little brother has gotten into fights in the past but the bullying continue . Mom and I have contacted the parents of the bullies with no avail and I continue with their comments and bullying. Where do we go from there
      You and your mom have really tried to do the right thing. I wasn't really advocating for your brother to get into an actual fistfight at school. It's been my experience that most bullies are cowards. That would get him thrown out. Sounds like the school wants to help. It's shocking and very disappointing that the parents of the bullies are not taking proper corrections.
      Keep us posted.
      I I am proud of him to stand up for himself and who he is as I have stood up to my bullies when I was in school. But yet I worry about his safety, that's because we are Korean and proud of it doesn't make it any different than anyone else. Why won't the world accept us as we are?
    • naturelover-VT wrote:

      Now that's not ladylike, but you can beat up the bullies.
      There's no way that I would put a hand on a child as I am 20 years old and he is 11 years old. I don't think law enforcement would take kindly to a 20-year-old beaten up 11 year old and that would be child abuse. There's no way touch a child in that demeanor.
    • Barbra wrote:

      There's no way that I would put a hand on a child as I am 20 years old and he is 11 years old. I don't think law enforcement would take kindly to a 20-year-old beaten up 11 year old and that would be child abuse. There's no way touch a child in that demeanor.
      But there is still the possibility of verbally intimidating this person.
      E.g. "Even if you don't seem to see me, I'm somewhere nearby and watching you".

    • Sad. Unfortunately a lot of times the only way to put an end to it is to take the matter into your own hands. I think bullies bully because of their own insecurities. If he pushes back and puts a beat down on them, they stay away. They seem to always only target those that they consider easy targets as harsh as that sounds. I don't think schools do anything to prevent it either. I hate to say it and promote violence but a nice punch square to the face usually ends it. Just like the scene at beginning of the movie American Sniper. The whole wolf, sheep dog explanation was really on point there.
    • collin13 wrote:

      Sad. Unfortunately a lot of times the only way to put an end to it is to take the matter into your own hands. I think bullies bully because of their own insecurities. If he pushes back and puts a beat down on them, they stay away. They seem to always only target those that they consider easy targets as harsh as that sounds. I don't think schools do anything to prevent it either. I hate to say it and promote violence but a nice punch square to the face usually ends it. Just like the scene at beginning of the movie American Sniper. The whole wolf, sheep dog explanation was really on point there.
      That's exactly it. Every one that says violence is never the solution is bullshit
      Bullies continue to bully precisely because their victims dont dare to say anything.
      Telling them 'oh, your words and your actions hurt me so much, could you please stop ?' that just doesn't work. A punch in the face does.
      If the guy knows that next time he comes up to you to cause trouble he's gonna get one, he'll think twice about it