is it worth the risk?

    • is it worth the risk?

      So i have a new house mate and i have a bit of a problem. i have only known her for 2 days and she is the absolute best. she is just so much fun to be around and she is really good at intresting comvoseration. she is so funny and almost irritataingly cheerfull. i know i barely know her but i have the sneaking suspicion she might like girls but im not sure. im not sure how i could find out without being suspicous. and even if she is single and swings that way im not sure its worth risk. if she says no i would have to live with her still and that would be horribly awkward for us both. i could just be her freind wich would be almost as nice.
    • I'm usually able to pick up on if another person is gay or not over time. It sounds like she is really nice. Have you asked her about past relationships she's had to feel it out a bit more? If you are comfortable enough in your own skin, you could tell her your preferences and see how she responds too? I think there is always a certain level of risk in anything we do, but I'd say for now follow your heart, continue to develop the friendship and see where things go? Don't know that I even really helped you much but I hope so!