Teen penis growth

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    • apopa wrote:

      Hello I am 17 years , I have some questions about the growth of my penis:

      -Does sleeping on your stomach slow down the growth of your penis?

      -Is it better to sleep with underpants, boxers or without underwear?

      - how can I promote the growth of my penis ?
      Nothing you can really do to increase your penis size, be happy with it whatever size it ends up being. No one but you will really care, and I say this as someone with a small penis.
    • Genetics determine how big you get "down there." It doesn't matter how you sleep or what kind of underwear you wear (or don't wear), although tighter fitting clothing (including underwear) have been shown to decrease sperm production (as sperm needs a slightly cooler temperature to live, which is why your scrotum hangs down from your body).
    • Durango wrote:

      Genetics determine how big you get "down there." It doesn't matter how you sleep or what kind of underwear you wear (or don't wear), although tighter fitting clothing (including underwear) have been shown to decrease sperm production (as sperm needs a slightly cooler temperature to live, which is why your scrotum hangs down from your body).
      On the sperm production thing, the effect is real but no-one has suggested it is anything other than temporary, i.e. it affects the sperm currently going through the system, not those produced at some future date. That means unless you are intending to get someone pregnant within the next 75 days then it isn't something you need to worry about so wear whatever you want. If, when older, you and your partner are struggling to conceive then wearing looser underwear is something you could try.

      On penis growth, over in another thread, I had commented that the penis does not seem to keep pace as the rest of the body grows, then suddenly grows fast at puberty. I did some digging and it seems this is due to testosterone and links right back to developing in the womb.

      During fetal development, the default state is to be female and, at every stage, something has to happen for a boy to develop along the male plan. The first step is for the SRY gene on the Y chromosome to cause the gonads to develop as testicles rather than ovaries. They then make testosterone and that causes all of the other differentiation including for what would otherwise end up being the clitoris to develop as a penis. Obviously the difference isn't just how much it grows, as the penis contains the urethra and the clitoris does not, but clearly much of the tissue of the penis is sensitive to testosterone and doesn't grow without it.

      Then our testosterone level is actually higher at birth than during the middle of childhood. As the level drops as a toddler, penis growth slows and then, at puberty, when testosterone goes up, it accelerates again.

      But, while testosterone seems to be needed for penis growth, it doesn't seem to be sufficient as, if it was, penis growth would never stop after puberty. Clearly something else is involved and it probably isn't just growth hormone because, while that drops when we stop growing, it doesn't drop to zero. So I don't know how genetics controls penis size. It could be testosterone level during a particular period of time or it could be how long some other hormone is active or some combination.

      However it happens, though, it isn't something anyone has found any way of influencing so it is much better to make the best of what you naturally get.
    • Sean2001 wrote:

      Durango wrote:

      Genetics determine how big you get "down there." It doesn't matter how you sleep or what kind of underwear you wear (or don't wear), although tighter fitting clothing (including underwear) have been shown to decrease sperm production (as sperm needs a slightly cooler temperature to live, which is why your scrotum hangs down from your body).
      On the sperm production thing, the effect is real but no-one has suggested it is anything other than temporary, i.e. it affects the sperm currently going through the system, not those produced at some future date. That means unless you are intending to get someone pregnant within the next 75 days then it isn't something you need to worry about so wear whatever you want. If, when older, you and your partner are struggling to conceive then wearing looser underwear is something you could try.
      On penis growth, over in another thread, I had commented that the penis does not seem to keep pace as the rest of the body grows, then suddenly grows fast at puberty. I did some digging and it seems this is due to testosterone and links right back to developing in the womb.

      During fetal development, the default state is to be female and, at every stage, something has to happen for a boy to develop along the male plan. The first step is for the SRY gene on the Y chromosome to cause the gonads to develop as testicles rather than ovaries. They then make testosterone and that causes all of the other differentiation including for what would otherwise end up being the clitoris to develop as a penis. Obviously the difference isn't just how much it grows, as the penis contains the urethra and the clitoris does not, but clearly much of the tissue of the penis is sensitive to testosterone and doesn't grow without it.

      Then our testosterone level is actually higher at birth than during the middle of childhood. As the level drops as a toddler, penis growth slows and then, at puberty, when testosterone goes up, it accelerates again.

      But, while testosterone seems to be needed for penis growth, it doesn't seem to be sufficient as, if it was, penis growth would never stop after puberty. Clearly something else is involved and it probably isn't just growth hormone because, while that drops when we stop growing, it doesn't drop to zero. So I don't know how genetics controls penis size. It could be testosterone level during a particular period of time or it could be how long some other hormone is active or some combination.

      However it happens, though, it isn't something anyone has found any way of influencing so it is much better to make the best of what you naturally get.