Everyone in my town is extremely problematic

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    • Everyone in my town is extremely problematic

      • I live in eastern Europe in a small town and everyone here is horrible. Especially people at school - they are racist and homophobic and more and everything here is so normalised - like everything really so everyone can be as horrible as they like and say the most horrible, problematic things even in front of teachers and there is no punishment whatsoever and nobody thinks there's anything wrong with it! And when I say everyone I mean it, it is how everyone is raised to be here! And I was raised to be silent about these things and anytime I would say to any adult about the horrible things everybody says they would tell me I should just ignore it or even worse - say there's nothing wrong with them saying these horrible things. And for awhile I thought it was okay to be silent because everyone told me I should be and because I thought that because I couldn't change people's minds I shouldn't try but I understood that's wrong and tried to say something - and I did. I went out in front of my class and told them that they can't say these disgusting stuff and I also told my class teacher about it and other adults too and they didn't do anything.. And like I don't think kids at school will listen to what I said I haven't been to school in a while because we had a vacation and then I got sick but I think they have completely ignored everything I have said. So I don't really know what to do now.. I feel like a horrible person for not saying something directly to them earlier am I? I don't want to be I really try to be good but Idk how to do it while living in here.. I understand I should have said something earlier and I do it now but I don't know what to do about them next because they won't stop even when I don't hear them and I can't be listening to them all the time I know they will say something bad and however many adults I tell nobody cares... Does anyone know what I should do???
    • So a little after posting this I got into this big argument with my class and one of my teachers exactly because of the horrible stuff they say and so now they just started kinda bullying me and they are being super racist and homophobic and yelling horrible stuff just to annoy me and I tell them they can't say that and it makes things even worse and they even got people from other classes to come and do that and adults continue to be useless but I talked to the school counselor and despite her saying that she doesn't think they're actually racist or homophobic even tho I told her about everything, she says that she will try to make them stop but I doubt she will do anything other then make things worse