I’m so close to a nervous break down

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    • I’m so close to a nervous break down

      I don’t get it I know what’s happening in school I just can’t submit assignments. It’s like I forget and procrastinate all the time. I am so close to a nervous breakdown I can feel it every second. I have 3 C’s and my parents got really mad last time they saw my grades. I know I can fix 2 of them one is close to an 80 and the other is a mis-grade ( my parents don’t believe me tho, my teacher is trying to help me with it) the other I won’t be able to I don’t have many assignments left. Last time I cried about wanting to see a therapist my mom told me that I was a happy person who just felt sad. She also says that she has worse ADHD than me and that she can deal with it so I should to. I also do travel sports so I don’t have much time to see a therapist. I think I can make it to summer but I know my mom is going to be upset and disappointed in me.I guess my question is how should I tell my parents ( specifically my mom ) that I think I need professional help?