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    • k well mii best frend started havin family problems n she has a problem controling herself.
      -her bro is dating a gurl who smokes pot (hes 22) and trying to get her to smoke(shes 16)
      -her parents are fighting daily, like her parents get a broken arm o leg every once ina while
      - shes tryed to commit suicide more then once
      -her 13 year old bro ran away to "escape" from the problems but died in a car crash bout a year ago

      i have no clue how to deal with it and she wants me to stay away but the worst is, her dad owns a gun and she dosnt know if she finds out she might shoot herself.
      i dont know her address or aniithing i talk to her once a month while shes at her cousins house.:confused:help
    • she's your best mate but you don't know where she lives?

      next time you get chance to speak to her, invite her over to yours to stay for a bit (as long as you parents agree to it of course) she needs to be kept well away from all that or it may send her over the edge, also having a friend close by constantly will help her talk about things, hopefully forget things for a bit and have fun, and to be honest even if she says she wants you to stay away i'd intervine if it's a mtter of life or death
      Nicole = Happiest she's been in a long time:lovey:
    • what a very hard situation to be in. It must be very hard for both you and your best friend of course. She obviously needs as much support as possible through it. It cannot be very nice suffering family problems like that, losing someone close, been trying to be pushed into stuff etc.
      Do her parents know she is being pushed into getting into smoking?
    • Personally, the only thing she can do at this point is worry about herself and her well-being.
      Worrying about her brother and his girlfriend isn't her issue or burden.
      Her parents fighting is not her issue or burden to deal with.
      The only people who can stop those situations are the people in the middle of them.
      You need to let her know that.

      Basically just let her know you are always there for her,
      and let her know her importance to you.