playstation 3 or xbox 360?

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    • Re: playstation 3 or xbox 360?

      Ok, i got both (Lucky me i know) and heres what i think.

      The XBOX 360 is a better choice, because the online play IS better, and heres a reason WHY, a real reason, not just "5 years experience"

      Xbox live is better than PSN because of a few things, One, when im playing COD4 on my ps3, and i think "wow, that guy was a real good gamer, lets add him to my friends list".. guess what, unless i inconveniently had to find pen and paper and die 4 times while writing out the gamertag, i would have no way of identifying that player again, unless i randomly bumped into him.

      This is ONE way that the 360 is better, because in the 360, i press the center button while still in game, or even after the match, or even during another game, 2 days later, or even on | Home, go to recent players, and add to friends. Its that easy.

      Also, lets say i wanted to know more about the person.. XBOX live shows Bio, location, friends of friends (the other users friends list), played games, gamerscore and a couple of other things too.

      PSN shows me Online ID (gamertag), online name (pretty much the same thing), about me, which is limited to i think 30 characters, and Language. what useful information!

      Heres another reason XBOX 360 is better because you can voice chat through anything. A game or 2, or 3 or 4. A dvd, surfing XBOX live, whataver. I dont need to stay in the one Chatroom to talk to people. i can do ANYTHING else while chatting. you cant do nearly as much on the PS3. Also, X360 has Messenger, which IS useful, you can chat to your MSN friends IN game!

      can you continue downloading game content while the PS3 is "switched off"? (i really dont know if you can lol) buit in the 360 you CAN! yeah!

      so theres a few good reasons XBL is better, pick your favorite!

      Now, i do like a few things the PS3 console can do, like web browser, and folding at home, but other than that (oh yeah, and PSP connection) the xbox does all what the PS3 does, and more.

      plus theres more games on the 360.

      more GOOD games too!
    • Re: playstation 3 or xbox 360?

      l'Arcangelo wrote:

      ps3 = bluray
      xbox360 = hd-dvd

      hd-dvd = dead

      xbox360 = better game choice as of now
      ps3 = final fantasy series + any squaresoft games + remakes

      i already have a 360, but i'll be getting a ps3 once better games come out.

      actually the hd-dvd wasn't even used for games, it was just an extra for those wanting to watch hd-dvd movies on their 360.;)
    • Re: playstation 3 or xbox 360?

      okay, here is what i figured out from all the replies combined with my own times playing both of them:

      1. ps3 has better graphics.
      2. ps3 has better and newer games.
      3. xbox 360 has better online games, even though they coast money.
      4. ps3 has more bugs and i cant play all my ps2 games on it with better graphics like sony promised before it was released.
      5. 22 of you like 360 more and 15 of you like ps3 more, wich in persentage is kind of close to eachother.

      lackily i was too busy thinking of what plasma tv i will buy so there will be like another 2 weeks to think about if ps3 or xbox.

      thanks for your help everyone and you are still welcome to post here about which one you think will look better on the 48 inch plasma tv i bought yesterday. :)
    • Re: playstation 3 or xbox 360?

      alongreat wrote:

      okay, here is what i figured out from all the replies combined with my own times playing both of them:

      4. ps3 has more bugs and i cant play all my ps2 games on it with better graphics like sony promised before it was released.

      first of all tell me what kind of bugs?
      second that's not a failure that's just wrong marketing trying to sell more consoles with promises that aren't gonna be made true.
      third I think you missed the big hype about the RRoD, try reading that story and putting that into your list, cause that's one of the biggest issues 360 has right now.
    • Re: playstation 3 or xbox 360?

      alongreat wrote:

      okay, here is what i figured out from all the replies combined with my own times playing both of them:

      1. ps3 has better graphics.
      2. ps3 has better and newer games.
      3. xbox 360 has better online games, even though they coast money.
      4. ps3 has more bugs and i cant play all my ps2 games on it with better graphics like sony promised before it was released.
      5. 22 of you like 360 more and 15 of you like ps3 more, wich in persentage is kind of close to eachother.

      lackily i was too busy thinking of what plasma tv i will buy so there will be like another 2 weeks to think about if ps3 or xbox.

      thanks for your help everyone and you are still welcome to post here about which one you think will look better on the 48 inch plasma tv i bought yesterday. :)

      Actually, The XBox 360 has the newest games; or they both do. Either way they're releasing new games. How can the PS3 have better games when most of the PS3 game are also on the 360. Personally, I don't think graphics is a biggie.. Like sure, You'd want some decent graphics in a game but it's more about the gameplay/storyline than the graphics; I think anyway.

      redhunter1989 wrote:

      first of all tell me what kind of bugs?
      second that's not a failure that's just wrong marketing trying to sell more consoles with promises that aren't gonna be made true.
      third I think you missed the big hype about the RRoD, try reading that story and putting that into your list, cause that's one of the biggest issues 360 has right now.

      It's the RoD.. You probably mistyped it but if you seriously mean RRoD, it's RoD. One of the biggest issues is the RoD, erm.. It's fixed. They may the odd console here and there (From release date of the 360) that may be failing which is making all this fuss but Microsoft have pretty much delat with that problem in the updated versions of the 360.

      Another note, erm. The whole RoD happens due to where the 360 is. (I don't read manuals at all) but when my 360 failed it mentioned in a script somewhere that the 360 must be like 1m away from any electrical objects, mine was beside my TV, which may have caused the problem.

      I think back near realease date the 360 was weaker than it is now, so I wouldn't know if the whole 1m thing is nesesscary anymore.
    • Re: playstation 3 or xbox 360?

      Mattster wrote:

      Actually, The XBox 360 has the newest games; or they both do. Either way they're releasing new games. How can the PS3 have better games when most of the PS3 game are also on the 360. Personally, I don't think graphics is a biggie.. Like sure, You'd want some decent graphics in a game but it's more about the gameplay/storyline than the graphics; I think anyway.

      It's the RoD.. You probably mistyped it but if you seriously mean RRoD, it's RoD. One of the biggest issues is the RoD, erm.. It's fixed. They may the odd console here and there (From release date of the 360) that may be failing which is making all this fuss but Microsoft have pretty much delat with that problem in the updated versions of the 360.

      Another note, erm. The whole RoD happens due to where the 360 is. (I don't read manuals at all) but when my 360 failed it mentioned in a script somewhere that the 360 must be like 1m away from any electrical objects, mine was beside my TV, which may have caused the problem.

      I think back near realease date the 360 was weaker than it is now, so I wouldn't know if the whole 1m thing is nesesscary anymore.

      It's the Red Ring of Death right? So it's RRoD, not ROD? :confused:

      Of course they may have fixed the problem, but what about the ROD that failed during GDC this month? Don't tell me theyput out old consoles just because they couldn't afford to put new ones in place?

      Anyhow that says it all. Why would I want to be limited in where I put my Console? That's really annoying. I for like have my PS3 5 cm. from my tv, and it has never failed on me. The only strange thing was a delay in my sixaxis controller when i held my sixaxis in one hand, and my cell phone in my other.
    • Re: playstation 3 or xbox 360?

      i like how most of you guys are coming up with just 1 or 2 reasons why you think YOUR particular "Fanboy Favourite" is better, well, know what? im pretty sure they are both just as good, but in different ways.

      Stop the whole damn war PS3 VS X360. Who Cares! We all know that the 360 is better anyway LOL JOKES people!

      Like said, i have both, and YES, i do prefer the 360, but the ps3 is a fantastic console too, with some spectacular games. They are the same but different.
    • Re: playstation 3 or xbox 360?

      AceS wrote:

      i like how most of you guys are coming up with just 1 or 2 reasons why you think YOUR particular "Fanboy Favourite" is better, well, know what? im pretty sure they are both just as good, but in different ways.

      Stop the whole damn war PS3 VS X360. Who Cares! We all know that the 360 is better anyway LOL JOKES people!

      Like said, i have both, and YES, i do prefer the 360, but the ps3 is a fantastic console too, with some spectacular games. They are the same but different.

      They're both just as good in different ways, but 3 lines later, you say you prefer 360, isn't that a little weird, going in against your own statement :rolleyes:
    • Re: playstation 3 or xbox 360?

      redhunter1989 wrote:

      They're both just as good in different ways, but 3 lines later, you say you prefer 360, isn't that a little weird, going in against your own statement :rolleyes:

      Not going against anything

      I clearly stated that i think they are both just as good in different ways, as you pointed out, but the reason i prefer the 360 is because I personally prefer the controller, and some of the exclusive 360 games, this does not discount the fact that both systems are as good as one another.
    • Re: playstation 3 or xbox 360?

      MME1122 wrote:

      What does the intercooler do? Mine doesnt have any problems with overheating. It looks like a waste of money to me.

      I have a 360, its awesome. Personally i like it better then PS3. My brothers wanted a PS3 just because it had the new ratchet n clank. I heard the graphics are better on PS3, but its not so much of a difference that i would care.

      360 has been out longer and has a lot more games. Most games that PS3 has are also on 360, and the ones that aren't are crap. Online is awesome cuz theres so many people, and it has better online games. Downside is you have to pay. 360 is also smaller which is good. And all my friends have it, no one has a PS3.

      I think the only good thing about PS3 is u can have more controllers at once. But even with that i bet theres almost no games that can use 7 controllers at a time. PS3 looks kool, but if u get an elite 360 u have the looks. N u can get stickers n stuff for the 360.

      The PS3 kinda copied things about the 360, except its not as good. They made trigger buttons just like an Xbox controller. And then they had the blue-ray drive like the HDDVD drive. But the PS3 is more expensive because of that, and its an option on Xbox.

      Xbox FTW!!

      Lol, i just kinda typed up my own review.

      That's a stupid thing to say. The Xbox 360 still prints its games on DVDs, and HD-DVDs are being discontinued. Sony not only invented Blu-ray but also all of its games are played on blu-ray discs, which is clearly a better technology. The Xbox 360 will likely make a blu-ray option available, but in terms of technology, the PS3 is unquestionably superior.

      Now, since the PS3 has not been out as long I imagine there are less games available for it, but that doesn't change the fact that it's a superior console.