Motivation Problem

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    • Motivation Problem

      I've normally never had a problem with motivation. I've always done the work set me in school, and at a pretty high standard. If it comes to essays or calculations and the like I have no problem. It's just a case of being bothered to do it. I don't know what I want to be in life, though I have many options based on my skills and choice of A levels. I play video games to pass the time, but not very often. Sometimes I watch anime and other programs on my laptop to pass the time, but not very often recently either. Sometimes I just listen to music and look at the work I've been set to do. I don't feel pushed or urged to complete the work that's been set to me, regardless of the outcome, which I am certain will always be negative. The wall behind my desk is currently covered with notes on Biology, Music theory, and English Literature and even though I glance at them once in a while, they never spark up something in me to make me work at home. My parents (particularly my Mother), are always trying to get me to finish my work on time, and do the best I can. Because they know my potential from a younger age. Unfortunately, they never consistently check up on my work, and they don't know about these slip ups - but I can't blame them at all, because this is my own fault. When it comes to some parents evenings, they get disappointed and furious, drive me to work for a week, and then lay off until the next parents meeting. I won't go on anymore, but I would like to know: Is there anyone out there that has a similar problem to me that found a solution? Is there anyone who thinks they can find a solution to my problem? It's getting out of hand now and I really don't know what to do. I need even a gentle push in the right direction to help me find something to motivate myself.
    • Re: Motivation Problem

      I know exactly what you mean. i am the type of person that will looks at others doing their work but cant be bothered! when i do my work it comes out at A's but i stress myself in the time period i do so. I have four essays needed in but i keep teeling myself i have ages and persuading myself but i know they will need to be in soon.

      Dont worry about your parents-Do you have a good relationship with them. they should support you and give you space.

      Try and keep up the good work and everyones entiled to a bit of relaxation.