Help! Do the musical, or don't?!

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    • Help! Do the musical, or don't?!

      Hi everyone..
      I got offered a part in a musical, but I don't know whether I should do it.
      This year at school is going to be major workload, enough stress as it is, let alone learning songs and lines for a big production. I don't know... and I don't think I have time to try out school and rehearsals.
      It takes up two afternoons a week, then four weekends the month before my major project is due...

      Any suggestions? I have to make the decision quick smart...

      Thanks in advance for any help.

    • Re: Help! Do the musical, or don't?!

      My Friend,

      Although, it would be a wise choice to go into this "Musical" Some things are best left undone. If you feel you are being way to stressed out due to some schooling issues. There is no need to have to push yourself even harder to get into this play.

      I'm very happy to "hear" that you got offered a part in this play. You must be quite the amazing actor at that then, eh? ;)

      Anyways, Like I said - You shouldn't stress yourself just to be able to fit into some play. There is many other important things blocking your path.
    • Re: Help! Do the musical, or don't?!

      Yeah, I don't think I'm gonna do it. I've been to a few rehearsals, and it would be lots of fun, but I'm more concerned about doing really well this year.

      Yeah, I act/sing/am going to model/etc. It runs in my family, and I love it. This is a great opportunity, but a I said, I'd rather concentrate on school..

      Thanks for your help.. I think it'll be best for me if I don't do it.
