Weight Issue's

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    • Weight Issue's

      Before you start thinking anything, I'm not over weight.

      Im really worried about myself at the moment.
      Im eating normally but i keep losing weight.
      My size 10 trousers are now way too big for me.
      Do I have a problem?

      Some advice would really help and I would appreciate it.

      Thank You,

      Luv TisKatie xx
    • Re: Weight Issue's

      Weight is not the best measurement to go off in regards to your health. Why? Because dehydration alone can make you lose several pounds in a matter of days. Ensure you are drinking enough water to keep you hydrated and see if you return to your normal weight.

      If you don't return to your normal weight and you're concerned, you're going to have to take some measurements as a starting point in order to track your progress. Measure your weight, body composition (i.e. body fat percentage), and body diameter (arms, bust, hips, thighs).

      Whenever your weight is changing (whether you're losing or gaining), you want to know what exactly is being lost. Is it body fat, lean body mass (i.e. muscle), water, or a combination of the three?

      Take the required measurements (a body composition test can be taken at a local gym for free), monitor your progress over 1-2 weeks, and then report back. I want to make sure you have an actual problem before we go any further.

      Make sure you are getting enough healthy foods (lean proteins, slow digesting carbohydrates, and vegetables) and stay well hydrated.

      If you have any more questions, be sure to let us know.
    • Re: Weight Issue's

      Make sure you are taking enough protein and good fats in each day as well. Stay hydrated and don't limit yourself too much on carbs. Also, make sure you are taking in enough calories per day to at least maintain your current weight. You can do this by finding a good calories-burned calculator online and entering in things like you weight, height and level of physical activity.