Looking for a pen pal who can help

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    • Looking for a pen pal who can help

      Ok well to explain what I mean...I need someone to talk to...privately. I mean not in person, but I just need someone to confide in. Like a therapist.

      The reason is because I feel like I have a lot of issues, but I'm too scared to tell anyone. And now it's gotten to the point where I can't just go to a forum like this and sum everything up in one question or complaint. I'm looking for conversation at the same time. Just someone I can talk to even if I don't have a problem.

      I'm not trying to be desparate, because I do have friends, and I do have good friends, but I'm still too scared to let them know everything.

      So basically, if you want to help me out, I have created a username on aim: silentriothinker

      I think IM is the easiest online communicator (or something like that) just because I can be anonymous and real and still have a conversation.

      Please, please, please, don't annoy me with messages like 'a/s/l?' like you want to get a girlfriend. I just need a friend to talk to, not a online lover.

      Soo yaa, that's pretty much it. I just need one person I can trust. If you're out there, IM me.

      BTW, it's not just me, I'm sure you have problems. I promise if you ever need help I will return the favor.

    • Re: Looking for a pen pal who can help

      You can talk to me if you want. I've got myspace, facebook, so if you want to know them just pm me. Or if you think that's too public then we can stick to pm-ing on here. I don't have IM or anything (I kinda gave up on those kind of things since conversations never really went anywhere :rolleyes:) But if that's the only way you're willing to talk then I can always just make one.

      I'm not sure if you're a guy or girl, or what age, so I don't know of how much use I can be. And I'm not the *best* advice giver in the world, but I do my best when people want it. And I'm always fine with people ranting away at things (everyone needs to right?) at me.

      So pm me anytime and I'll reply asap :).