I am in love with my best-friend's girlfriend.

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    • I am in love with my best-friend's girlfriend.

      I know this question has probably been asked already, but here it go's anyway.

      My two best friends,(lets call them John and Jane) have been dating for a while and it has always been cool, but recently I have discovered a fascination with Jane. She' smart, funny, really pretty, and we have so much in common. There will be times when she rubs my back or puts her arm around me and I get all flustered. I guess you could call it a sort of love. But I don't want it t be. John is my best friend and he truly loves Jane as well. I can't mess with there relationship but I can't ignore this feeling, especially since they want me to live with them when we go to college.

      I just need to know what to do. I am really confused.
    • Re: I am in love with my best-friend's girlfriend.

      You gotta ask yourself... "Is it worth it?" Is it worth the risk of losing your bestfriend, and possibly that girl you like. If you're not sure that the girl will like you back then just leave her alone... esp if she is happy with your bestfriend. Don't be a lousy friend and ruin what they have.

      There are tons of other girls out there that is like her, or maybe even better than her...
      You won't get into shit with your bestfriend too.

      Bros before hoes man.
    • Re: I am in love with my best-friend's girlfriend.

      Definetly Bros before hoes, i had my "best friend" chase after my fiancee after i ditched the bitch, we were mates for 14 years, their loss though, i hear their both very unhappy and dont talk to each other ^^
      #1 pickup line of all time: "Hey, does this rag smell like chloroform to you?
    • Re: I am in love with my best-friend's girlfriend.

      Plasma_Snake wrote:

      I know this question has probably been asked already, but here it go's anyway.

      My two best friends,(lets call them John and Jane) have been dating for a while and it has always been cool, but recently I have discovered a fascination with Jane. She' smart, funny, really pretty, and we have so much in common. There will be times when she rubs my back or puts her arm around me and I get all flustered. I guess you could call it a sort of love. But I don't want it t be. John is my best friend and he truly loves Jane as well. I can't mess with there relationship but I can't ignore this feeling, especially since they want me to live with them when we go to college.

      I just need to know what to do. I am really confused.

      She does that because she trusts you not because she likes you. If you try to get together with Jane then only bad things will come of it.
    • Re: I am in love with my best-friend's girlfriend.

      You cannot move in with them, probably obvious just thought i'd mention it though. It'd be like a million times worse, knowing there in bed together, seeing her walk round in a towel, it'll drive you mad. just a little point.
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    • Re: I am in love with my best-friend's girlfriend.

      buddy, it's not worth it. i once randomly met my buddies girlfriend at the beach last summer, and we were drinking and she came back to my apartment (this is my roomates girlfriend by the way). And then I realized how much of an asshat I was being and stopped myself. :eek:

      Then I brought it up with my buddy roomate to apologise, and he got super choked even tho we didn't even do anything. If this is your good buddy, don't even consider going after his girlfriend. I almost stopped hanging out with one of my best friends.