How do I talk about it??

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    • How do I talk about it??

      OK, here goes. I used to cut, stopped for about a year, and have now started again. I can't be arsed to talk about why, but the problem it thus:
      I told my counsillor I had a problem (the cutting) that I wanted to talk about. I've just come back from 10 days in India with school, and so we were talking about that and how great it was. I think that she may suspect something because one of the teachers on the trip asked me about the 'scratches on your arm'. But anyway, she then goes "so, do you have anything else you want to talk about?" and I say, "yes, but I don't feel I can". I tried to tell her, but I couldn't find the words. Its not something you just slip into a conversation! I tried but ended up saying "I can't." So she wants me to talk about the 'problem' (she doesn't know what it is) next session. The thing is, how on EARTH do I start to talk about it? All I do is clam up and get really frightend when I want to talk about it. I want to say "I've started cutting/self-harming again", but it sounds so coarse and horrible.
      So please, how can I start talking about this? Once I've blurted it out, it will be OK. I just need that first sentence.
      Thanks - and please advise!
      Snow Sheep x
    • Re: How do I talk about it??


      Self harm will not solve any of your problems if you have any, from what I have read you haven't, you haven't put any causes down.

      If you are cutting just because it makes you feel better after a bad day or because it is something to do then you need to stop indefinately because you will end up with long, permanent ugly marks down your arm because or self-harm.

      To bring it up in conversation:
      When your councillor asks you what the problem is then tell her that you have been cutting your arms and self-harming yourself. She will be able to help you just like the members on here can. But I think that if you talk to someone face to face about it, it will help you a lot more.
      I know that it is an ugly thing to bring up in conversation and it is difficult to talk about but the only way you will be able to get any help from those around you is by talking to your councillor.

      Next time she asks you. Tell her. She wants to help you so you need to let her know what she is helping you with.


      If you want anymore help from me about this you will have to message me because I rarely visit the same thread twice.

      R xx
      Life is the one thing we are in control of.
      We can either let the bad times get us down
      Or we can concentrate on the good - even when we feel that there isn't any.
    • Re: How do I talk about it??

      OK, so I may not have put down my problems, but that is for a simple reason. There are so many accumulative problems, that it would simply take up too much time to write them all down. The bottom line is that, although my problems may not be as bad as getting raped/being abused by parents etc, they are still problems, and they still make me want to top myself.
      I wanted an answer to a question, not to discuss why I feel the need to slash my arms every day.
      Please respect that, I have enough problems with arrogant people as it is.
      Just because I don't write about my problems, doesn't mean I don't have any.
      Would you write your life story on the Internet, so the whole world could laugh at you? No, I don't think so.
      I know about the scars. I have them. And I hate myself for it.
    • Re: How do I talk about it??

      Okay. I visited your thread again.

      I respect you and I understand why you didn't write down what your problems are etc.

      I do understand that fully. But I still don't think you should 'top yourself' as you put it. Because your life is more valuable than you think.

      I know you have to put up with arrogant people everyday, everybody does. I think you need to find a way to solve your problems instead of letting them get to you.

      Once you can solve your problems I think you would feel a lot better.
      Life is the one thing we are in control of.
      We can either let the bad times get us down
      Or we can concentrate on the good - even when we feel that there isn't any.