One thing you wish your parents knew.

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    • One thing you wish your parents knew.

      Can you share issues with your parents? 87
        I tell them everything (6) 7%
        I tell them about most things, except sensitive topics. (33) 38%
        I don't tell them about any tough issues. (48) 55%
      Sometimes we may disagree with them,
      sometimes we wish we could seek their advice,
      in the end, they are still our parents.

      Reflecting on your relationship with your parents, what is one insight you wish they knew.
      Or one thing you want them to know but have never been able to tell them.

      Thanks for all your responses!
    • Re: One thing you wish your parents knew.

      Nothing i havnt told my parents, i'm an open guy and that includes talking to them about anything.
      Although i never go to them with problems, most problems i get i can resolve myself, but i've had both come to me for advice.
      #1 pickup line of all time: "Hey, does this rag smell like chloroform to you?
    • Re: One thing you wish your parents knew.

      I'm not really very open with my parents. I talk to them quite a lot but never about me, I don't really like talking about me. I wish mine knew I was gay.
      [CENTER]This is a gift it comes with a price
      Who is the lamb and who is the knife
      Midas is king and he holds me so tight
      And turns me to gold in the sunlight
      - Florence + The Machine, Rabbit Heart

      I'm not a misanthrope, but I can utterly empathise with them.
    • Re: One thing you wish your parents knew.

      I tell them quite a bit, but I never told them about my personal life with my boyfriend.

      That was until Sunday night when the condom split and I couldn't afford the morning after pill myself. I had to ask my mother for help.

      Now they know everything basically. Lovely. They are still okay with me in a way but I find it weird that they know everything about me.
      Life is the one thing we are in control of.
      We can either let the bad times get us down
      Or we can concentrate on the good - even when we feel that there isn't any.
    • Re: One thing you wish your parents knew.

      Hmm... well, I never talk to my parents about me, so they don't really know anything about me. I kind of wish that they knew I used to cut, and that I'm bi, but they would blow everything out of proportion if they knew, so I'll keep it as it is with them being totally ignorant about my life. It's really best this way.
    • Re: One thing you wish your parents knew.

      I don't see my dad much at all since my parents are divorced, so he really knows nothing about me. I live with my mom for the time being and I can't really tell her stuff because she'll end up judging me for it or she'll tell everyone and their brother. She usually talks to me like I'm stupid, but I'm used to it.
      [CENTER]Sometimes the heart sees what is invisible to the eyes.[/CENTER]
    • Re: One thing you wish your parents knew.

      Alex_Rosque wrote:

      I talk to both my parents a lot. But ive never talked about feelings or anything like that. I dont even want to imagine the conversation when they ask my "why havent you had a gf? are you gay"? lol :eek:

      My parents just assume since I don't have many guy friends that I'm into girls...I was disgusted when I found out.:mad:
      [LEFT]I’m psychotic synchypnotic
      I got my blue burners and phonic
      I’m psychotic synchypnotic
      I got my brand electronic [/LEFT]
    • Re: One thing you wish your parents knew.

      I "tell them everything" is what I voted for. I'm close with them, but they don't know EVERYTHING about my life (hell, no one does, I keep some things to myself for certain reasons). I consider my parents my friends, as well, and they always give me fabulous advice if I needed it or a shoulder to cry on. I hang out with them as much as I hang out with my friends, really.
      I don't make no dirty movements.
    • Re: One thing you wish your parents knew.

      no im not close to my parents never have been and honestly dont want to. i hardly talk to any of my family memebers. i only talk when i need or want something. i could never tell my parents about my personal problems thats like sooooo weird...
      [CENTER][SIZE=2]Courage is when you stand up for what's right, even if means being an outcast! [/SIZE][/CENTER]
    • Re: One thing you wish your parents knew.

      I don't tell my parents evevrything . i guess not anymore
      i use to whne i was lil , stuff like school and idk .
      but now , i got into boys and teen stuff ,i don't really trust her anymore , its seen like she does't have time to listen , and i prfer my cousin n friends for that .
      Maybe its how i got so shy .. and quiet =/