One thing you wish your parents knew.

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    • Re: One thing you wish your parents knew.

      i am not close to my parents in any way. I lock myself in my room and blast my music any chance I can. It's because I don't trust them. When I tell my mom something she tells everyone she knows and it's awkward if I tell my dad one of my secrets. So I mostly tell my little cousin everything because she's the only one that keeps my secrets and she's pretty much like my little sister
    • Re: One thing you wish your parents knew.

      I am afraid I do not have the courage to talk to my parents when it comes to things that are very sensitive or personal, for a lot of years I kept to myself, however most recently I feel it is easier to talk with my friends, few that I have, however even then I still keep many things to myself.
      What you leave behind is not as important as how you lived.
    • Re: One thing you wish your parents knew.

      piratemegan wrote:

      I don't see my dad much at all since my parents are divorced, so he really knows nothing about me. I live with my mom for the time being and I can't really tell her stuff because she'll end up judging me for it or she'll tell everyone and their brother. She usually talks to me like I'm stupid, but I'm used to it.

      Same as me. I don't tell my parents sh!t.
      Get rid of your expectations, and free yourself.
    • Re: One thing you wish your parents knew.

      le_pwdz_here_2day:P wrote:

      It's much easyer to keep stuff about yourself to yourself. Dont get them to help unless they can do soemthing. But then if you get hurt (mentally or physically) you can always tell them.

      Still wouldn't tell them tbh. They'd only cause drama and get the whole family on my back.
      Get rid of your expectations, and free yourself.
    • Re: One thing you wish your parents knew.

      I tell my parents about a lot of stuff, but they always think I'm hiding something. For a while, they thought my declining grades were due to drug abuse, but they were just because of my lack of work ethic. But I'm glad they haven't assumed I'm gay just because I haven't had a girlfriend in 5 years.
      Originally posted by KingDubya
      I'd say "false hope and a pile of shit" is better than depression, insanity, and suicide, wouldn't you?
    • Re: One thing you wish your parents knew.

      If they think your gay then they must think something worst of me, I have never been out with a girl =( and I had to go to a all boys school for secondary...... :\ I am not gay not even one bit, yuck....
      What you leave behind is not as important as how you lived.
    • Re: One thing you wish your parents knew.

      I have to say, the amount of people that don't talk with their parents at all amazes me. I think in modern day society, it has come to pass that parents have to focus much more on work and making money, and their children become the side-job, and get the short end of the straw every time.

      I talk to my parents all the time. When we go to family events I hover around my parents. When we go out places I hover around my parents. When I'm nervous I go around them, when I'm shy I go around them too. My mom is the person I talk to with sensitive things, and we are both definitely related because we can sit down and talk about random things for hours lol. Although, we don't talk about EVERYTHING, like sex/drugs/orientation/girls, but we talk about friends/personalities, etc. My dad is the person I go to when I need something money-wise or anything like that, and in the end I'm a daddy's boy.

      I think the reason I'm so attached to my parents is I don't have the most friends, and don't hang out with friends much, so they're the people I hang around with each day. And in the end, I'm the kind of person that needs someone to lean on. When push comes to shove, I can't be self-sustaining and most times need someone to relieve my stress onto, and help to help me figure out what to do. And my parents are those people for me :P
      I'm Proud to be an American.
      Pro-Choice Before Conception, Pro-Life After.
      A person cannot help what they Feel, only what they Do.
      You will never find proof of a god... because it's Faith
    • Re: One thing you wish your parents knew.

      I wish I could talk to my parents about my depression and crap....but I dont see that ever happening in the future, which is sad.
      [FONT="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="2"][COLOR="SeaGreen"][COLOR="Green"][CENTER]Errare Humanum Est
      To Err is Human[/CENTER][/COLOR][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
    • Re: One thing you wish your parents knew.

      xXxXMCRXxXx wrote:

      It's because I don't trust them. When I tell my mom something she tells everyone she knows and it's awkward if I tell my dad one of my secrets.

      Exactly... nothing can stay between me and my parents, especially my mum. If i tell her anything, by the next day word will have spread to everyone she knows. I mean, I had my whole family giving me a really hard time for having a girlfriend when I was younger (I'm a guy btw).
      That's why everything slightly personal stays with me.
    • Re: One thing you wish your parents knew.

      1. i dont talk to my family bout my feelings and social lyf coz in my culture gals are expected to be a certain way and shld neva be unhappy.. parents are divorced and my dad is getting married so the minute i mention that im not okay they think they not gud parents and instead of helpin me they jugde and make it their fault.

      3.they have this innocent image of me,i have no social lyf and im just a quiet person in her own world,and has no future

      4.they dont know me nor do they make an effort to know me,they too obligated in their lives..they only eva turn to me for help and advice on 1 problems.

      they've made me the person i am and i dont lyk that person
    • Re: One thing you wish your parents knew.

      My mom and I talk about useless stuff, nothing worth remembering really. While my dad and I talk about me getting into college and how its going to be paid for, and thats literally it. So we "talk", but we don't really talk. If that makes sense.
      The only thing I wish my parents knew is that I still talk to my oldest brother on a daily basis.
      [CENTER][SIZE=1]We've been treating love like a battlefield
      For far too long.
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