My Mom is Addicted to Sex!

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    • My Mom is Addicted to Sex!

      Okay. I am 13. My mom has a problem. She is on all kinds of sex sites like
      I have been reading her emails for the past year and she has been sneaking around a lot. She talks daily with perverts and meets them sometimes. For example she is meeting a man named John on Tuesday. She lies to us and goes out to have sex. She is married to a man 12 years older than her(she's 35 and he's 47). When she was 19 she had sex with her college professor who was in his 50's. She has whips and toys and dildos. She posts pictures of herself on her profiles and sends pictures of herself without clothes to people she doesn't even know! And on top of it she's a hypocrite. She acts all religious, but ignores what the Bible says! Her marriage to my father ended b/c of this. She causes me so much pain. I need anti-depressants, but I can't tell her or she'll want to know why. She's a very malicious and spiteful person so I can't tell her I know...HELP!
    • Re: My Mom is Addicted to Sex!

      well some people have those kind of fetishes, can see why it'd be embaressing but my advice is to just stay out of your mums sex life...really i definately wouldn't want to knwo about my parents sex lives. If you stay out of it stop peekign around and forget about it then maybe you won't worry so much. If she's happpy then everythings doo-dally, until her husband finds out
      Nicole = Happiest she's been in a long time:lovey:
    • Re: My Mom is Addicted to Sex!

      I wouldn't want to know about my parents' sex lives, so I don't understand why you're so curious. It would probably be easier to forget about her situation if you just stop sneaking and reading her emails. Your mom's a big girl and she can make her own decisions. Maybe you should try to live with another relative if it bothers you that much.
    • Re: My Mom is Addicted to Sex!

      Guys I think this is kinda serious like.

      Anyway, stop nosing around and it cant be healthy, what if she doesnt do it with safty in mind. Go to a realitive and speak to them about it. Maybe you need to move out as it isn't a good thing on you. But then niether is moving out :confused:

      Do what you think is best, nobody else can tell you what to do. They might be mocking you but just think whats right and then do it.

      If you need more help just pm me.
    • Re: My Mom is Addicted to Sex!

      le_pwdz_here_2day:P wrote:

      Maybe you need to move out as it isn't a good thing on you. But then niether is moving out :confused:

      LOL Some great advice there! :P

      I just think dude that you firstly need to stop looking through your mums e-mails and stuff (cool it 007) and the seek out a relative thats close to your mom/mum/mam/mama/mummy watever and say your worried about her. And say she's been acting strange.


      Don't say "Mums been having sex with wierdos" cos trust that aint gonna do the relationships any good.

      The fact that it gets back to your mom that everyones noticed her odd behaviour, or the fact that her own child is increasingly worried, maybe the wake up she needs.

      If not. Well. Delete her sex accounts.
    • Re: My Mom is Addicted to Sex!

      fluffyyum wrote:

      Okay. I am 13. My mom has a problem. She is on all kinds of sex sites like
      I have been reading her emails for the past year and she has been sneaking around a lot. She talks daily with perverts and meets them sometimes. For example she is meeting a man named John on Tuesday. She lies to us and goes out to have sex. She is married to a man 12 years older than her(she's 35 and he's 47). When she was 19 she had sex with her college professor who was in his 50's. She has whips and toys and dildos. She posts pictures of herself on her profiles and sends pictures of herself without clothes to people she doesn't even know! And on top of it she's a hypocrite. She acts all religious, but ignores what the Bible says! Her marriage to my father ended b/c of this. She causes me so much pain. I need anti-depressants, but I can't tell her or she'll want to know why. She's a very malicious and spiteful person so I can't tell her I know...HELP!

      best advice i can give is to mind your own business. Your parents are still human beings. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean you should stop them from doing what they want for your sake. That's just plain selfish.

      And hey, now you can always bring up her little "problem" whenever you do stuff she doesn't like. Its a great trump card.
    • Re: My Mom is Addicted to Sex!

      shes your mum , if she wasnt , you'd be like , ALL YEAH!!haha,but serz, shes your mother , and EVERYONE wants and/or needs sex,including mums,how you think she made you?haha,But im sure if you stuck outta her private life then you wouldnt hurt yourself so much,dont read her emails,But you gotta tell her , just to stop lieing,be happy that your mother is enjoying herself,but tell her to tell you where she's really going,so it saves her lieing so much,BTW whats your mother MSN, Or email?
    • Re: My Mom is Addicted to Sex!

      fluffyyum wrote:

      Okay. I am 13. My mom has a problem. She is on all kinds of sex sites like
      I have been reading her emails for the past year and she has been sneaking around a lot. She talks daily with perverts and meets them sometimes. For example she is meeting a man named John on Tuesday. She lies to us and goes out to have sex. She is married to a man 12 years older than her(she's 35 and he's 47). When she was 19 she had sex with her college professor who was in his 50's. She has whips and toys and dildos. She posts pictures of herself on her profiles and sends pictures of herself without clothes to people she doesn't even know! And on top of it she's a hypocrite. She acts all religious, but ignores what the Bible says! Her marriage to my father ended b/c of this. She causes me so much pain. I need anti-depressants, but I can't tell her or she'll want to know why. She's a very malicious and spiteful person so I can't tell her I know...HELP!

      Maybe in 2 or 3 years you'll know what turned her on :cool:

      Nah just kidding, what you really gotta do is just stay the heck out of her business. Better not knowing it then what your doing right now. Best thing is to go sit down, talk with your mom and that 12 year older man, and just sit down and talk. If she backs out and doesn't wonna stay and talk, you'll probably have to confront her otherwise, maybe a family psychiatrist.

      Btw is that 12 year older man your dad or are your real parents divorced?