need some help for a friend

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    • need some help for a friend

      advice please!

      one of my friends has been coming in to school and basically shes been acting really depressed and has been telling us about her argueing with her parents and she has not been talking to them properly or getting on with them at all for about a month. shes been telling us that her parents are threatening to chuck her out the house and have been violent towards her (eg. slapping her) and have threatened a lot of times to act violently towards her. we dont know what to do, because when we try to talk to her and tell her to get help she just says no and tries to change the subject.

      What should we do? Please help.
    • Re: need some help for a friend

      If your friend refuses your help, there is not lots you can do. You could confront her again with the problem, and keep asking, but this might make your friend drift farther apart from you, and she needs friends now more than any other time in her life.

      You could call Child Services, and they would look into the problem about your friends parents abusing, hitting, her. But it's up to you if you think this would be a good idea. Sometime it helps, but other times...

      It's a difficult choice, but it's either that or ignoring the problem, and that could really cause some trouble. Physically, and emotionally. Hope this helps....
    • Re: need some help for a friend

      well since you have tried getting through to her yourself and it was unsuccesful... you may want to go to a teacher that you trust of a principal or vice principal or like a guidance counsellour they can approach your friend and she will probably talk to them more easily because she wont have fear of being judged that is the best way for you to help out without her getting offended or upset or anything of that nature but you should step in soon because it sounds like things arent getting any better any sooner
    • Re: need some help for a friend

      If your friend is really refuseing help, and you are worried, the I say call Child Services just to be safe for your friend.

      [COLOR="Lime"]Fact:[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]Vampires Have all the fun![/COLOR]
      [COLOR="DarkRed"]Fact:[/COLOR][COLOR="Lime"] Vampires are dangerious sports players[/COLOR]
      :eek: :eek: :eek: <-----I like that reminds me of when i read weird sexual stories... and my friends.
    • Re: need some help for a friend

      just let her know that you'll be there for her if she ever wants to talk to you but don't be too pushy because she wont want to talk to you
      but if things get too bad you may need to intervene
      just let her know u are there for her tho thats the most important thing--
      to have a friend in the time of need
      but i still think u should go talk to an adult because there is only so much control young people can have over a situation