I don't know

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    • I don't know

      Hey everyone

      i'm knew here

      when i'm feeling down witch is almost all the time i like to write.. sometimes what i write doesn't make sence cuz i just write whateva i'm thinking an i think about alot... a few hours ago i wrote something an here it is.....( it may not make sence but like i said i just write whats in my head )
      i'm not emo i just feel like it sometimes but before you call someone emo think about why that person is like that so instead of labeling someone think about the cause first

      i woke up today like every other day staired at the wall for a sec an wonder about the new day.
      i think maybe...maybe today will be different, maybe i'll smile ( for real )... maybe i can be me today.
      maybe i can go... maybe i can try.

      i think

      i sat on the edge of my bed thinking...thinking about today, thinking about tomorrow,thinking about
      the next day.. i stair at my self in the mirror i look in my eyes i see pain, i see ugly, i see nothing.

      i hurt

      who am i? i don't know..sometimes i think i do i'm confused ( i want to be ) why can't i just show
      you. i want to so bad but i'm scared i'm scared of the out come of it.. will it be ok? please tell me
      i want to know

      i'm scared

      i go out today yea... i look around i see people.. do they see me? i feel eyes staring me down is
      this a good thing? i look down an keep walking i try an tune out all voices ( i walk ) i try an be
      nice, funny, good you know all that an yea so far i have been

      i want

      i see someone my age or close to it.. could this be ( someone ) i look i smile a little but i'm
      unnoticed... am i here? i don't know i just i mean whats wrong? i want to know damnit please
      maybe i can fix it

      i'm angry

      i go home ( home ) i sit in my room in my chair just looking around watching my birds sing
      see the hamsters sleeping i turn my computer on.. " what a thrill " maybe i'll get that email i've
      been wanting to see so bad i find nothing but spam mail *sigh* maybe tomorrow

      i wonder

      time for bed i lay looking at the wall day dreaming of a life i wish i had.. drama i wish i was in
      people i wish i knew.. people i wish that wanted me, love i wish i had, a person i wish was me.

      i cry