IQ Tests?

    • Re: IQ Tests?

      lol we have a few geniuses on the forums it seems, heres how it works for those bullshitting.

      IQ Score Ranking System
      140 + (~.25%) Genius or near genius
      130 - 139 Gifted
      120 - 129 Very Superior Intelligence
      110 - 119 Superior Intelligence
      90 - 109 Average/Normal
      80 - 89 Dullness
      70 - 79 Borderline deficiency
      50 - 70 Mild mental retardation
      35-50 Moderate mental retardation
      20 - 35 Severe mental retardation
      < 20 Profound mental retardation (1%)

      mines 129
      [CENTER][SIZE=4][/SIZE][SIZE=2]Can you imagine what I would do if I could do all I can?[/SIZE] [/CENTER]
    • Re: IQ Tests?

      lilMaria wrote:

      Yeah, IQ tests are based on your age, so yours should be higher than 127. Your IQ is supposed to be the same all throught your life because as you get older, you supposedly get smarter.

      Well, the whole point is that you don't get proportionally "smarter", you just learn more and your skills develop.

      I've taken a few online tests out of boredom, but never a real one. Gotten scores from 104-144. :P
    • Re: IQ Tests?

      I was 14 when I took my last IQ test and I got a 134, but I tend not to believe them until I take one truley school sanctioned one before I get to college.
      Karen Pommeroy - I don't think that you have a clue what it's like to communicate with these kids. We are losing them to apathy... to this prescribed nonsense. They are slipping away...
    • Re: IQ Tests?

      Half the thread is misleading. ^^

      Average IQ is actually 100, as the scale is curved to make 100 the global average. It's a phenomenon called the Bell Curve, they even cooked up a controversial book about it.

      Anyway, was the test sanctioned by a school or psychologist? If it was just an online test or a book claiming to accurately judge your IQ, then it will probably inflate your score or give a completely inaccurate score. Take one offered by an actual professional with a degree. The test is surprisingly simple. ^^

      To give some figures...

      100 is average human IQ.
      125-139ish is gifted.
      140-149ish is highly gifted.
      150-169ish is genius.
      170+ is something we call a savant, or crazy person with too much brains. ^^

      Note the -ish at the end of my figures: there are many different IQ scales that exist. Some scales report 148ish as genius level, some have 160 as genius.

      If you've scored a 127 on an actual IQ test, then you are gifted compared to the average 18 year old of your demographic. Good job! ^^

      But don't take it too seriously until you're 18. At age 15 my psychologist recorded my IQ to be 151, but I won't let that sit until I'm 18. She predicts a rise of about 4-7 points by 18 years old.
    • Re: IQ Tests?

      Wait. What?

      For the most part, IQ tests measure your test-taking ability, not your intelligence. If you're Caucasian or Asian and if you come from a middle-class family, you're likely to score higher than if you're Hispanic or African-American and if you come from a lower-class family. Not necessarily because you're "smarter" than them, but because you've been well-trained to take this kind of tests. Some people also score better when they are younger, mainly because there are fewer distractions in life and they have nothing to worry about other than doing well on an IQ test.

      Intelligence is a tricky thing to define. Most people now believe in the theory of "multiple intelligence" (google it if you want to know more about it). This is because intelligence depends on your circumstances. For example, if you're "intelligent" at taking a test, is your test-taking intelligence going to do any good when you're stuck on an island? Does your high score really matter if you can't climb a tree or if you can't tell which fruits are poisonous? On the other hand, someone who scores only average on the IQ test may be more "intelligent" at practical knowledge than you are, and thusly have a better chance of survival than you are. Who's more intelligent now? You decide. (Also, some people who are generally considered "mentally-retarded" can do some amazing things, like knowing how to play a song on the piano after listening to it only once.)

      In any case, I'm almost sure age has no relevance to intelligence as far as IQ tests are concerned. It used to be way way way WAY back when, but the method of using your age and your IQ score to determine your intelligence is no longer considered valid. If you score 127 now, you're going to score about the same in 5 years - give or take 10 points. You probably need to be at least 18 because that's when people generally start to take tests seriously and, therefore, do their best. But seriously now, don't depend on an IQ test to tell you how smart you are.
    • Re: IQ Tests?

      Sasha Vassily wrote:

      You got the first part wrong, once again. IQ scores don't assess what you know, they assess how good your brain can process given information. If IQ tests measured knowledge, I would have been more knowledgeable than Stephen Hawkings. :rofl:

      Don't pay too much heed to online IQ tests. They are as accurate as are your chances of finding your soulmate online.

      Pretty much agreed there
    • Re: IQ Tests?

      MyNameIsJay wrote:

      Anyway, was the test sanctioned by a school or psychologist? If it was just an online test or a book claiming to accurately judge your IQ, then it will probably inflate your score or give a completely inaccurate score. Take one offered by an actual professional with a degree. The test is surprisingly simple. ^^

      Yeah, I've done a few online tests and got different scores every time, with about 45 points difference between the highest and lowest... so I don't trust 'em.

      The post was edited 2 times, last by stratosfear ().