Gone a little too far...

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    • Gone a little too far...

      I met Audrey in 6th Grade. She was always so nice and perfect, but I never knew why. We goofed around and poked at each other, but she never spoke badly about anyone. I found out yesterday.

      Audrey invited me to her house, and I found out she had no TV. Then, I asked if she wanted to look at some books, but her shelves were filled with baby books. I asked her if she wanted to go over to my house and watch some Harry Potter DVD's with me but she said she wasn't allowed to see those. Nor could she see Toy Story.

      Not only that, but her Mom was staring at us through the window when we were jumping on the trampoline and I'm pretty certain she was listening in on our conversation in her room... you know, standing outside the door and all... 8|

      Turns out her mom was Pro Christian or somethin'. Today, Audrey moved away from our table and didn't say ANYTHING AT ALL to me, no matter how many times I asked. Maisha said her mom banned Audrey from talking to me, because I used 'heck' and 'crap' and 'dang'.

      Little too far, right?
    • Re: Gone a little too far...

      Whoa, that's massively over protective. Poor kid, it must be tough growing up in a household like that. There's probably not a lot of point in pushing a friendship on this girl, if her mother is as crazy as she sounds, she's probably too afraid to go against her.
      [SIZE=1]I really kind of like it, but it's much too much.[/SIZE]
    • Re: Gone a little too far...

      Yeah, I feel sorry for her. She's like a mindless zombie.

      I hung out with Audrey one time. We went to the library and had to watch her mom go through every friggin' book we chose! When we were done, she'd returned about 75% of the books I chose. When we got back into the car, Audrey looked through and was like "Mom, this book has heck in it!" We had to turn around immediately and return the book. Ugh.

      I wish there were a way to loosen her up...?
    • Re: Gone a little too far...

      That really sucks.
      I dont think there's anything you can do about her listening to her mom, just because she was clearly raised to obey her mom no matter what.
      I think you should be friends with her, but from a safe distance. You know, like talk to her in school and maybe go out and do something fun once in a while (there's always going to a park or out for ice cream instead of watching movies or going to her house). That way, no one has to be uncomfortable (she's most likely not too comfortable with having to worry about being judged because of the way she lives, and I dont think you can be too comfortable having to watch everything you say and do around her mom, who sounds like a scary person).

      Hopefully one day she'll realize how much she hasnt experienced because of her mother, and she'll figure out a way to make her mother less strict or find a way around some of those rules. I have a friend who did something like that.

      Good luck, though. You're a really good friend for wanting to keep her around even if it's more challenging.
    • Re: Gone a little too far...

      Chrisii wrote:

      I met Audrey in 6th Grade. She was always so nice and perfect, but I never knew why. We goofed around and poked at each other, but she never spoke badly about anyone. I found out yesterday.

      Audrey invited me to her house, and I found out she had no TV. Then, I asked if she wanted to look at some books, but her shelves were filled with baby books. I asked her if she wanted to go over to my house and watch some Harry Potter DVD's with me but she said she wasn't allowed to see those. Nor could she see Toy Story.

      Not only that, but her Mom was staring at us through the window when we were jumping on the trampoline and I'm pretty certain she was listening in on our conversation in her room... you know, standing outside the door and all... 8|

      Turns out her mom was Pro Christian or somethin'. Today, Audrey moved away from our table and didn't say ANYTHING AT ALL to me, no matter how many times I asked. Maisha said her mom banned Audrey from talking to me, because I used 'heck' and 'crap' and 'dang'.

      Little too far, right?

      Talk about overly controlling! I wouldn't try to pursue a friendship with this girl. You'll never meet her mom's standards.

      The irony of this is that the minute Audrey gets out of her mom's house, she's going to go crazy. They always do. She'll drink and do drugs and possibly get pregnant and all that jazz.
    • Re: Gone a little too far...

      Holy wow! What a mom. Anyways, I am so glad that you care about your friend like this, to be concerned that her mother is oppressing her, because she is.

      But you guys are in 6th grade? Don't worry, most people at this age can't really confront their parents on a mature, adult-to-adult level and hope to win anything. That time will come though, when Audrey realizes that she doesn't want to live under her mother's teat for the rest of her life, and stops taking the crap. When that time comes, she'll probably talk to you about it and you can help her out then. My parents are pretty cool, but I imagine I'd be terrified of confronting my mother if she'd raised me like that. So yeah, just work with what you guys have now in terms of friendship, and show her she can trust you as a friend, no matter how her mother doesn't like you using the word "heck." Anyone can tell when someone is making an effort to be a good person, so be nice and helpful when possible and it all should work out as you guys grow up.