What is a painless way to die?

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    • Re: What is a painless way to die?

      Super wrote:

      Hey man before you consider suicide may I suggest you Take a plane ticket somewhere where you can work. Somewhere foreign maybe even in language, and live there. If it doesn't kill you, it's an experience that could really turn things around for you and a great opportunity to try out a new personality :)

      The dude's still in education.

      Anyways, why can't you go public school? If your parents don't want you to, tell them how you're feeling. If they don't care/listen then they don't deserve you, simple as.
    • Re: What is a painless way to die?

      Don't kill yourself! Thats a mistake you can never take back. Your family will miss you if you do. I have had the same feelings, in fact at one point I had a plan set out. But then I made a list of all the things I wanted to do first. On the top of that list was have a family, meet my biological family, and climb to the top of a mountain.

      Please don't kill yourself! It's never the answer.
    • Re: What is a painless way to die?

      Even though you live far away from each other your Girlfriend would still care if you died and she'd probably be sad for a long time. And maybe you two will get together in person one day. You never know.
      And you can always enroll in a public School and make some friends and meet some real people that way. Go out and socialize more. Go out for walks, go to the mall and talk to people and meet people.
      And killing yourself will not do anything, cause then you'll be dead and that's not really any better than being alive. It's worse because you can't do anything. So killing yourself isn't worth it.
      My life is alot worse than yours and I've considered suicide before but I won't do it because I know there's always got to be a light at the end of the tunnel, so you just gotta stay positive. ;)

      You could be my [SIZE=3]someone,[/SIZE]
      You could be my [SIZE=3]sea...[/SIZE]
    • Re: What is a painless way to die?

      hey there,

      Pm me if you want to..

      i believe there's someway that you're just locked up in your heart, i believe that love is all around, you just need to believe and find it... =)

      although i thought of suiciding many times, i was able to bring myself out of it.. so can you!
    • Re: What is a painless way to die?

      *Ama* wrote:

      1-800-784-2433 Please call this number it's the USA Suicide Hotline. They can help you see that life is not that bad. There is someone out there wayyy worst off than you are. Don't kill yourself over loneliness. Just make an effort to meet people. Hang out at the mall. Join a bookclub (or club that fits your hobby). Go to a community center and help out under privledged kids (then you can see that it could be worst). Do something! You can just sit at your pc and expect happiness to come find you, you have to run and find it and when you find it never let it go. Giving up will get you no where!

      Now please, go help yourself!

      That up there is pretty good advice. ^^ There are plenty of people that would be friends with you. Hell, I make friends with almost everyone I meet, except those people that purposely don't make friends with people, but I'm sure you aren't a purposeful loner because you are about to jump off a cliff to escape loneliness... So get out there and watch some inspirational movies, get a haircut, eat your favorite food, and go to the library and flirt like hell with every girl you see, even the old ladies, albeit jokingly. Make life fun for you by doing things that make you feel good. Oh, and listen to that song "Put on a happy face." :D

      BUT, before you get on that elevator, just think about the problems you would cause by doing that. Your family would get scared like hell that one of their kin just kersplatted himself, and would probably freak out, your delicate old mother would probably faint or even have a heart attack, your father would fall into depression that he lost his son, and maybe his wife if she dies of shock, and then he'd drink himself into death or just give up and follow you guys, which is no good, and then your sweet GF in Florida would feel horrible that her boy just killed himself with no explanation, and then the people on the streets of Glendale would get scared like fuck that a body just dropped from the sky and exploded on the sidewalk, and a street cleaning crew would have to shut down the street to clean, forcing people to commute differently, and be late for work, and also your friend Ana would be shocked and feel guilt (most good people feel bad when people they know die)...

      Overall, suicide would be the selfish thing. Hang on for yourself, if not, for the family and friends. ^^

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Tomski ().

    • Re: What is a painless way to die?

      Oh yeah. .__. But see, people shouldn't see just the depressing parts of a 3 paragraph response on how suicide should or shouldn't happen.
      But you are better than that, so don't become a casualty! Follow your dreams. I don't know where that came from, it sounded inspirational. I'm sure as a kid you wanted to become a singer, or a writer, or an astronaut... fill your life with these interests. Sign up for the astronaut program, begin writing a self-help book using your experiences with depression (my friend was depressed, he wrote a self-help book about himself, and now he is an amazing person), and hire a singing coach to train you to belt it like Clay Aiken. :D Or Madonna, or Fergie. Or someone actually cool, that works too.
    • Re: What is a painless way to die?

      ;) I know you shouldn't always look at the bad side, but it's impossible not to sometimes.


      Sometimes it takes something really close to home to bring you back to reality. For me, it was when I told my friend I cut again (she knew I used to cut. I wouldn't have told her this time if she hadn't made me promise to tell her what was going on). She freaked out, which freaked me out more, later I asked her why she freaked out so much... She said 2 other people she knew had killed themselves... She's talked a guy she likes into putting down a gun when he was suicidal... She know someone else who's suicidal..

      Yep. Haven't cut since then, haven't been suicidal since then.

      You just need to figure out what might, for lack of better words, snap you out of it.