Now my life is on contract. In love with cousin; how to tell him?

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    • Re: Now my life is on contract. In love with cousin; how to tell him?

      That could work actually...
      Oh, so that's what happened... That bastard! If I could I'd come over and kick his ass! [I've seen it happen too many times, and those kind of people need to be put in there place!] Regardless, I don't know how to help your friend... But, please give her my best wishes. ^^
      Doughnut...Do not. I repeat, do not, call me "honey". You are not above me, nor are you my lover, so you have no right to call me that. Also, you didn't have to put emphasis on "FAMILY".

      *Sigh* Things would change, we'd have to hide it...Mainly from our siblings, because we are around them more and they have big mouths. Ummmm... SCREW how my family would react! I do not give a flying rats ass! My family is not always right! I do not believe in the whole "Blood is thicker than water" saying, reality wise, it is, but I'm talking about the saying. NOTHING is 100%, that would be perfection, and perfection DOES NOT exist within mortals. Again, screw what they think, they'll EVENTUALLY get over it. Besides, they won't be happy no matter who I get with anyway, so it doesn't matter.

      Never talk to me again? Yeaaaaahhhh...Right. As I have said over and over, I know him better than that. He may not want to talk to me for a while, but I'm un-avoidable, he knows this, besides he's not that mean. Yeah, well, that just proves... OK, that's mean...I won't say it. Well if he told you it might freak you out because your relationship is different, maybe not as close?! Ne? Am I right? If you guys are close, there is no reason to react that way, if not close then it's OK to react in an upset way.

      Oh, that was nice, a nose-breaking tale and then telling me I should tell him? Too bad I'm not stupid. Because I caught on to what you tried to do...Don't do that. And yeah, I'm telling him because I KNOW he WON'T hate me.
      Rudeness...PUH-LEZZZ!!! I've said I know this already! Most-most-most-mostmostmostmostmostmostmost-most-m-mostmostmostmost!! Is it just me, or is that all I'm ever getting from you people? "MOST" does not cut it. If you are going to try and stop me AT LEAST give me FACTS, STATISTICS, NEWS REPORTS [which I happen to have, in my favor, mind you~], SOMETHING!! Other than "MOST" because we are not "MOST", the "MOST" is often skewered to meet the so-called "Popular Demand", so for all you know the "MOST" is the opposite of what you think it is!
      The Bitch is Back Everybody!