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      I know it's illegal to hit children under five, but my mum feels it shuold be illegal to hit children full stop. IT's sickj. If it's realy hurting yuo or scaring you you should call child line or social services. Doing some chores is normal, but if you're not exagerating when yuo say the whole house that's a bit harsh, I only have to do that if we have like a house viewing the next day and the hosue is a pigsty, but even then we all chip in. You should definatly complain if you feel abused, don't let them win. If yuo don't want to get them into trouble, I think you have the right to not hold charges so they wouldn't go to jail or anything ..

      but seriously, if yuo haven't been exagerating call child line or social services asap ...

      your being a little bitch about the situation i no people who were beat everyday of there life for no reason had knives thrown at them and got in trouble for stuff there brother did because they set a "bad" example i have to do alot of chores i dont want to but i do them look at it like this u can get smacked and do your chores or you can just do it without being told and see what is simpler damn i know someone that when they ddint clean enough there mom came in knocked evrything off there bed dressers and threw stuff over and tell them its not clean enough start over and ure all sob tear cry i have to clean my house

      Im not bein nasty but you are not being abused. Everyone does house work me and my sis do it 24-7 and if were naughty we get a slap but thats not abuse. Its not worth gettin your parents locked up for.
      There your parents they still feed and give you a roof to live under. If this was abuse they would throw you around the house and beat the living hell out of you and your saying a "hit" or "slap" is abuse. No luv. And you say they swear at you. Get real. My parents swear loads and call me names but that isnt abuse. There your parents, Im sure they love you. Concider yourself lucky some kids out there are in Africa with aids dieing starving and suffering. Other kids are being beat up by there mum and dad and blamed for everything and abused. You think your lifes tuff? My best mate her dad died when she was 3. She was crossing the road with her nephew and he got hit by a car and threw through a chippy window in front of her when she was 8. And her mum died just before christmas 2007. She now lives with her sister and she still puts a smile on her face. You have a lucky life to some people out there.
      If i hve got the wrong end of the stick and your mum and dad throw u around the house and starve you this is abuse and you need to ring social services. On the other hand lifes tuff.
      [LEFT]Highschool Best Friends become Bitches. Boyfriends Become Pricks. Red Bull Becomes Beer. Gum Becomes Drugs. Lollipops Become Cigarettes. French Kisses Become Sex.[/LEFT]

      Yes, honey. Call social services, or tell a counselor or teacher at your school. Call the Ronald McDonald house, the Penelope house, 911, the Po Po (Police), anything. Just get your butt out of that house. Please, please.
      God will take care of you no matter what. I promise. Just pray, and everything will be alright.

      let the proper authorities because you deserve better treatment than what you are currently getting.
      whatever happens conduct yourself in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ.:)There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.:wink:

      i think you should talk to someone your close to first then go to the social services together that way you will have someone to support you. dont listen to insensitive people like Elizabeth she is probably jealous because you have the guts to stand up to these cruel people (your parents) unlike her who just accepts that its daily life, well its not and maybe she needs to get help too before she ends up treating her kids the same way shes being treated.