Ever Noticed?

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    • Re: Ever Noticed?

      Vanack wrote:

      You guys are taking this the wrong way.

      I'm judging this based on what I've seen, from my perspective, and was asking if any of you noticed this.

      I was not judging anyone based on CLOTHING. That would just be preposterous.

      I was just asking the viewpoint from another persons view.

      Don't think I'm going against anyone.

      Well, it would make sense for intelligent people to have a tendency toward dark clothes etc. Ignorance is bliss, and intelligence is as much a curse as it is a gift - it can be very depressing to understand the world and other people, since it ultimately leads to the discovery in humanity of much which is unpleasant. Nietzsche once said: 'People who comprehend a thing to its very depths rarely stay faithful to it for ever. For they have brought its depths into the light of day: and in the depths there is always much that is unpleasant to see.' Think about it. Gothic clothing may merely be a reflection of their perceptions of the world, other people, and themselves, as derived from their intelligence. Then again, it could also just be a way of asserting their individuality - of rebelling. It's like anarchism - loads of punks claim to be anarchists, but most do not even know what it means. It's become part of popular culture - it's a staple of teenage angst. It's down to your individual perceptions to decide which of these options is true.
    • Re: Ever Noticed?

      apollo-might wrote:

      In general, no I don't see this but I do see a lot of these people finding themselves to be really deep.
      Every teenager I've ever talked to who has claimed to be deep, bores me with their shallow views and opinions.

      I've yet to meet other deep people.

      Most that wear lots of black that I've talked too, their "deep" issues are always meaningless relationship issues. Or dealing with superficial issues.

      Orpheus. I agree with you. I was about to say the same thing.

      First lets assume that what you wear is a honest reflection of yourself. Ignorance is bliss. I love how you quoted Nietzsche. Of the little I've read about him, he seems to stand very similar to where I do on issues. I still need to actually find one of his books and read them though.

      EDITED: Removed tons of paragraphs. Maybe I'll repost it later.