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    • kay well i have a problem, not super serious, but a problem
      i always end up liking guys who are pretty shy. and the last few haven't worked out too well because i'm a little shy myself and soo our interactions were only over texting or internet.
      now this really cute guy sits next to me in my first period class and he's a couple years older than me. he added me on myspace and started talking to me and said he wanted someone to talk to in class so we've talked on myspace and over the phone before and he's told me that he's interested in me and thinks i'm cute, but every day in class he's too shy to talk to me and i'm too shy to talk to him. every once in a while we'll say a thing or two, but it doesn't go any further. i don't wanna lose another guy because i can't talk to him and i have a month left of school and i still just can't seem to get the balls to talk to him and i don't wanna sound stupid or anything! help please!!
    • aw :( you got to move it to the next step --- talking in real life (though I imagine you know this). It's really important that you do it quickly though. I'm a bit shy and so was the last boy I dated and it was honestly a text-based relationship which is NO GOOD. (even though we did get out of that stage it was too late imo) Just go for it! What can you loose? You know he already likes you :D
      i don't sleep
    • I completely understand where you're coming from. One guy I dated was really shy which didn't help because I'm rather shy too.

      We started off as friends and we were fine with eachother; pretty loud/jokey etc. but then the whole 'going out' happened which was surprising because I never thought he'd make the first move and he did. For the first few days we were both too shy and stubborn to actually face each other in college which looking back at now was pretty lame. Anyway after a short while we got comfortable around eachother and whether we were with our friends or on our own we were okay openly being a couple. It just takes time and a little courage from both ends!