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    • depression..

      hi, i am Mitch. :( i am in high school and i have always hated school. just the thought of doing homework, class presentations, and the overall idea of school brings me down. it has been really bad lately. it seems like the only words that go through my head are things like, "GOD i f****** hate school! school sucks! life is boring!" lately i havent been hanging around friends and such and usually just stay in my room listening to music or watching tv. PLS, any suggestions on how to take my mind off how much school sucks! i am afraid this will only lead to worse thoughts if i do not get it out of my mind.
    • Re: depression..

      try to spend time with your friends. they will be there for you. leave your room, your house, for awhile. take a walk. go to a concert. experience life! it's a lot more fun out there than you think, but you'll never know unless you get out and enjoy yourself.

      school is tough. trust me, i know. my parents push me a lot in it and i hate it. but just hang through it. it's not going to last forever.

      i hope this helps. =)
    • Re: depression..

      argh i know wgat you mean...
      im sickkkk o schooll... plus a work now and thats not always helping my case
      i usually do stuff i like , like arts if not
      talk to people , friebds , familly ,
      go out anf have my fun time
      but my grades are sorta dropping lol
      so that might not be the best advice..
      but like i combined cool cafe with a friend and studying today and that was cool and i actually studied, :)
    • Re: depression..

      thanks for the advice.
      as soon as i started to get active, i started to forget about how shitty school is. another problem that affected me was because of march break. when it was near to go back to school, i started to get depressed thinking about having to do work all day for another couple months till summer. sometimes i just feel like nothing fun ever happens in life. and since i am a deep thinker, i am always thinking and i obsess over certain thoughts until i almost go crazy. messed-up eh? ..i know. lol. i recently have been smoking marijuana every day, and i am wondering if that has anything to do with my depression? i have now cut back tho till just on weekends(Y). i will not stop completely because i enjoy it too much and when i do it, it makes me really happy. do u think meditation would help calm my mind down so i have less negative thoughts?
      also, i think now that i am back in school and back to the regular routine, it doesnt bother me as much. any other oppinions would be greatly appreciated.