born "different"-- dont make fun of me

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    • Re: born "different"-- dont make fun of me

      I had a friend who had a testicle that didn't descend, and he had to get surgery for it. I think you should just muster the courage to talk to your parents about it, probably your dad. Just think over what you're going to say, and just say it one night. Maybe you'll get in to see a doctor to have it fixed, instead of having to have a prosthetic one.

      Also, Lance Armstrong has only one testicle and look at what he's done-- Tour de France seven times and a bunch 'o kids. Only difference is he lost it from cancer.
    • Re: born "different"-- dont make fun of me

      Hm, what does the original poster, and the next one, AssaultRifle, have in common?

      AssaultRifle replied he too had 1 testicle. Well did you know, that in his previous signature, his Bruce Lee photo, Bruce Lee himself had 1 undescended testicle.

      Bruce Lee, baby~!.

      Oh, and Wikipedia debunked the Adolf Hitler having 1 testicle rumor.
    • Re: born "different"-- dont make fun of me

      There's probably no other way to go about this, so you might wanna tell your mom and dad straight-up about it. Yes, it'll be awkward, but hey - you want it, right? You need to tell them. So anyways, an ideal scenario would probably be:

      You: Hey mom? Dad? I was just thinking about why I am the way I am.
      Them: What are you talking about, son?
      You: You know...the whole "one testicle" thing.
      Them: ...

      You know, something like that. Start out by asking about that and gradually merge into the prosthetic testicle and educate them about it.
      [CENTER]You bitches are beautiful. :hugs:[/CENTER]
    • Re: born "different"-- dont make fun of me

      here is what i say, its all up to you, but, i would say dont worry about it, if some girl or anyone has a problem with it, fuck them, because they are not worth worrying about, there are people out there who will love you for who you are, and will look past that, if you want to, go for it, but in my opinion, let yourself be who you are
    • Re: born "different"-- dont make fun of me
      The testicles are fully descended when infants are born, unless the testicles are actually undescended. So puberty doesn't make boys balls drop or anything ridiculous like that. If it's not there now, it never will be there without the help of surgery.

      We're in the same boat. While I technically have two testicles, one is roughly the size of a six-year-old's. My mom is a nurse, so I probably felt a little more comfortable when I told her to get a Dr's appointment scheduled for me. The doctor basically told me there was nothing to do about it, but that it wasn't affecting testosterone levels or anything. I have also thought about a prosthetic testicle, but I don't know if that's possible when a second testicle is present, however small, purely for aesthetic reasons.

      You need to just go for it. Just jumping right in worked for me. It wasn't really awkward, and I doubt it will be for you. They're your parents. Besides, if your testicle is undescended, there's a much higher risk of getting testicular cancer among other things.

      As far as making you less of a man, bullshit. You need to feel confident about yourself. No one in their right mind measures masculinity on whether or not you have two testicles. Besides sperm production, there aren't really any advantages of having two over having one. And one is enough to get a woman pregnant, so don't worry.
    • Re: born "different"-- dont make fun of me

      cant_think_of_a_username wrote:

      hey im a 14 y/o guy who was born with one testicle. i don't know if i was born like that or it was undescended (im too scared to ask... its really awkward talking to my parents). Anyways i recently became EXTREMELY interested in having a prosthetic testicle put in. i read about it and its like a 30 min operation and FULL recovery takes about a week or two. thing is, i dont know how to bring this up with my mom or dad because it would be weird. so it would be really helpful if anyone could lend me a "conversation starter" if you will, or if you have had the operation if you could tell me what it was like. thank you so much ahead of time :(

      yeah, that's weird but don't think I'm hear to make fun...besides I'm a spirit medium... "i see dead people:eek:!!!!!" so I'm the last to make fun of small differences like that... but anywho back to advice!

      personally i think people that have surgery just to make them self's look better are ashamed of them self's for no reason. i think its not a big deal, a lot of people look on whats on the inside, not what you look like and how many testicle's you got... oh and if they do start to make fun of you in the shower... well there gay for staining at you there... :D:lol:
      (don't comment on the 'gay' thing, i have nothing ageist gays and I'm bi...)
      but dude, if you feel you should get the surgery to look the same then sure,
      i say do it... if it makes you feel like you belong then sure, why the hell wouldn't you!

      The Sorrow
      The living may not hear them; Their voices may fall upon deaf ears. But make no mistake; The dead are not silent. My Skype: Alaestor My TeamSpeak3:
    • Re: born "different"-- dont make fun of me

      I haven't read the thread so I'm sorry if this has been sorted out already. You should get it checked out asap! One of my testicles was too high up so not very visible and it was pretty hard to find lol. I had it repositioned when I was 3 then it creeped back up there when I was 10. I seem to remember being told that if I left it there is a chance of developing some kind of problem, it might have been cancer but don't quote me on that. So basically, get it checked out and see if they can just reposition it for you. The operation isn't bad at all, your groin will just hurt like a bitch for a couple days but you'll get to chill in a hospital :). Speak to your folks, it'll be much better once you have and you'll be able to set your mind at rest when you make sure everything's ok.
    • Re: born "different"-- dont make fun of me

      Ok i no it's a little late to post on this issue but seriously ur not abnormal or differnt cause everyones diffrent and really if u think about it there is no "normal" or "average" just (similar) as u have read obove u have found someone with the same condition as you. be happy with the person you are and seriously it dosen't matter if u have 1 or 2 cause once u find the right person they will love u for better or worse!!

      oh yeah and I love ur mention of if u were concived a day later or before i would be a different person seriously I don't like 2 think about it cause there are 2 many possibilitys of who u could be, but rember life is what u make it and the possiblities are endless now as the person u are.
    • Re: born "different"-- dont make fun of me

      addigurl14 wrote:

      Ok i no it's a little late to post on this issue but seriously ur not abnormal or differnt cause everyones diffrent and really if u think about it there is no "normal" or "average" just (similar) as u have read obove u have found someone with the same condition as you. be happy with the person you are and seriously it dosen't matter if u have 1 or 2 cause once u find the right person they will love u for better or worse!!

      oh yeah and I love ur mention of if u were concived a day later or before i would be a different person seriously I don't like 2 think about it cause there are 2 many possibilitys of who u could be, but rember life is what u make it and the possiblities are endless now as the person u are.

      hey thanks so much. thanks to everyone who has posted my moral has been boosted. I really think im going to wait until february when i have my yearly checkup to maybe ask my doctor. but really, you all dont even know how much youve helped me. THANKS AGAIN! :D