Another plea for advice - Is this unrequited love?

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    • Another plea for advice - Is this unrequited love?

      I like this guy. Obviously. We've been known each other for about a year, and we've been friends since the day we met. Over time we've grown quite close.
      I've liked him as a crush since, oh, say, about a day or two after we met.
      We don't go to school together. Two days ago was the first time we'd seen each other in person in about 10 months. We talk on instant messenger several times a week, though.
      Sometimes when we IM he seems like he's having a lot of fun talking to me, but other times, though he laughs at my jokes, we can't really keep up a solid conversation.
      We talk about casual things like school, what we like, and each other. Sometimes the subjects get a bit deeper like talking about who we like, and stuff like that. I don't think he knows I like him though.
      When we saw each other at the bonfire two days ago, we instantly ran up and pretty much tackled each other in a hug. He laughed at all my jokes and we made small talk. We hugged, he met my friends, and he helped me up the hill when we all went to see the fireworks.
      He didn't seem distant at all, he said he had a great time and wanted to know when the next one would be.
      I IMed him the next day and he seemed a little more talkative, but still just a bit more reserved.
      When I was telling him about my friends at my new school (most of whom were guys) and when we talked about candy grams, he mentioned a girl he has a crush on. He said he wanted to send her one, but he didn't know her classes so he couldn't. He didn't mention her name, but when I told him about my trenchcoat-wearing friend he said his crush wears a trenchcoat as well.

      What I want to know, basically, is what I should do. I love him so much, but he likes some other girl. I still want to be friends with him, but knowing he doesn't love me makes me so unhappy when we're not together. Thanks to anyone who actually read this whole thing, and even more thanks to anyone who's kind enough to reply. I've never acted on my feelings before, and inviting him to group events (which he agreed to go to, the bonfire is just the only one that's worked out on my end ;__;)is the closest I've ever gotten. I'm just confused, please, help me!
      [SIZE=1][SIZE=2]S i m u l a t i o n: M e + H i m[/SIZE]
    • Re: Another plea for advice - Is this unrequited love?

      No problem, it was fun to read. I don't know, I'm a guy, and I can tell you from experience that when I have even a small crush I tend to not notice even the most obvious hints from other girls. Now, if you honestly think he doesn't notice, I personally think the best thing to do would be to let him know inconspicuously, just kinda act like you like him, until he does, and then let him figure out who he really likes. Him liking someone now doesn't mean much, we're teens, for all you know if he finds out you're an option, he may like you more.

      But to cut down on the optimism, don't get too optimistic

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Writerboy ().

    • Re: Another plea for advice - Is this unrequited love?

      Writerboy wrote:

      No problem, it was fun to read. I don't know, I'm a guy, and I can tell you from experience that when I have even a small crush I tend to not notice even the most obvious hints from other girls. Now, if you honestly think he doesn't notice, I personally think the best thing to do would be to let him no inconspicuously, just kinda act like you like him, until he does, and then let him figure out who he really likes. Him liking someone now doesn't mean much, we're teens, for all you know if he finds out you're an option, he may like you more.

      But to cut down on the optimism, don't get too optimistic

      Thanks for replying, I'll give it a shot. :)
      [SIZE=1][SIZE=2]S i m u l a t i o n: M e + H i m[/SIZE]
    • Re: Another plea for advice - Is this unrequited love?

      hi, well for a start think seriously love is avery strong word it is thrown about far too much like it means nothing, how can yu love someone youve barely been with. Yes you may like him and want to be close to him but love is something that develops with time through spending time, getting close and being around the person, you say you both IM frequently but if its not really anything about liking each other then he most likely just sees you as a freind and you can and will love your freinds but its totaly different to being in love with smeone. Im 18 and have been in an on off relationship for two years and trust me its hard work. Thinking you love him and wouldnt cope wit him being with someone else or whatever seems a bit far, sure if you like him then you will be a bit gutted and feel maybe even rejected becaus ehe chose someone else and not you. If you have seriously liked him for this long and you relaly felt liek it was love then you would want nothing more than to tell him and know he felt the same. Relationships will never be eas but if you cant even tell him how you feel then what do you have? Your feelings could be totaly one sided but you wont know because you havent asked him and you havent told him. The best advice would be to just ask him straight out who he likes and how he sees you, if he sees you only as a freind then thats ok you can be his freind and at least then you will know where you stand and you can move on to fancy someone new, someone who feeels the same way and then you can get excited and have butterflies and get nervous when he calls and texts you a hundred times a day. When your young life should be fun, you shoudnt be stressing about someone who seems soo distant. Also do you have a ternch coat? Cuz if you do then maybe it is you he likes and he could have been dropping hints. Good Luck with whatever happens hope it al goes well :):)