I Dont Know What To Do!!help. I Like Her

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    • Re: I Dont Know What To Do!!help. I Like Her

      If she and her boyfriend are serious then there's not really anything you can do about that, sorry. I've been there, I know what it's like and it's not at all nice. It's just one of those things you've gotta put up with to be honest. Think of it like this: if you know it's highly unlikely that you and her will "get together" then what's the next best thing? The answer being that you become one of her closest friends. I don't know what it is but after you fall for a girl with both of you knowing it won't go anywhere, when you move on the girl seems to be alot more helpful than other girls when it comes to when you're liking other girls and you need advice.

      I know I'm taking the "give-up" approach but that's what I did and I moved on and found someone better (although that's a bit up in the air at the moment). By all means if you see an opportunity take it; I'm just giving my (hopefully) helpful opinion.
    • Re: I Dont Know What To Do!!help. I Like Her

      So what if you're not meeting new girls everyday? They don't even have to be new. When all you can think about is this one girl you don't notice other girls. Once you move on from this girl you'll notice other girls, not straight away, but you'll notice them. Once you start noticing them they might start noticing you if they haven't already. You may already have a few female admirers but you don't notice them because all you can think about is this girl.

      It took me 6 months after finally getting over the girl I liked before I found someone else, and that someone else was someone I'd known for about 2 years already. The signs were there that she liked me but because I was so focused on the girl I liked, I didn't notice them.

      It is a good idea, the girl is probably my closest friend now, she's helped me through so much stuff and always been there for me. I hope the girl you like turns out to be the same way in the end.
    • Re: I Dont Know What To Do!!help. I Like Her

      helpme2119 wrote:

      i actually avodie the topic of her boyfriend in gerneral.i feel sad in general when she talks about him.

      Well so do I when my crush talks about her boyfriend. But I just go along with whatever the hell she's saying about him and be like "yeah, cool".

      You can try moving on like Damien said, or wait. If you don't like anybody else and/or don't take the whole dating thing seriously (like me), then wait. But if there are other opportunites with other girls, go for those instead.

      It is really annoying, isn't it? Everybody dates eachother for a very long time in my school. But so what. None of it matters in the long run. In 5 years, you probably won't even remember this girl. Contrary to popular belief, life doesn't revolve around dating and just think of all the money you can blow on yourself instead of her. Ha!!


      The post was edited 3 times, last by Oberheim ().

    • Re: I Dont Know What To Do!!help. I Like Her

      Ok....if you really like her this much and are this obsessive over it, then you should probably tell her how you feel. Tell her you don't want to harm her relationship with her bf, but you gotta let it out. Maybe she likes you back and will go to you if they split up.

      Although if she's the gossip type, I'd be careful. She might tell her bf you like her and thats not good.

      Speaking of which, you don't make it obvious around others that you like her, do you? I know it's really hard (I have to keep myself from showing overt signs around my crush too, it sucks) but that's a no-no. People might get suspicious and snitch on you. or worse, bf himself might get suspicious. Don't let it happen.
