I dont know what to do

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    • I dont know what to do

      ok me and my girlfriend have been dating for about 2 weeks and i barley ever get to see her cause she goes to different school but i have a good amount of time on my hands so i can pretty much be with here every day but every time i want to hangout she seems like she doesnt want to and im the kinda guy that would hate to make a girl hangout with him if she doesnt want to and she doesnt really make an effort to set a time and place to hangout and im scared that she has ALREADY lost interest in me and its kind of hard cause ive only really liked girls that really want to be with me and shes the first one that is like this please help!
    • Re: I dont know what to do

      Communication my friend. Talk to her, ask what's up, it is better to find out than to assume, because you'll never get to the bottom of it.

      Ask her how she feels about the current relationship, it is better to find out than to wonder, depending on her answer we go from there. But before anything, you need to find out how she truly feels, get it out of her, because if she isn't feeling it already then pretty much there isn't too much you can do.

      We'll worry about that later, first thing is first, find out how she currently feels about the relationship and her feelings towards you.