my GF said my personality has changed :(

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    • my GF said my personality has changed :(

      me and my gf got back together after a 7 month relationship last year and have been going out for 3 months this year. and it is great because i love her so much, and everything is fine, but she said to me yesterday that i have changed and my personality has changed.

      she said i had become more selfish... but i have had my a level exams over the last few months and had to revise and she doesnt understand how important they are (as they predict on what i do for the rest of my life!)

      i just need some re-assurance that im not being selfish by putting more time into my revision.
    • Re: my GF said my personality has changed :(

      I don't think you're being selfish at all, if anything she's the one who is being selfish!

      You said these exams dictate what you'll be doing for the rest of your life, right? Doesn't she understand how important they are to you? A good significant other will understand the other's situation and be supportive of them. She should know that you need time to study.

    • Re: my GF said my personality has changed :(

      Just explain to her you need the time, then after your exams give her the attention she wants... Something similar happened to me on Friday... Gf text me saying she didn't think she loved me anymore because I've changed, but she still wanted to be with me? =S
      I told her to get fucked, she'd been fucking me about the whole 2 years we were together... Sorry :) My rant over :D
      Your problem don't seem that bad, so just talk to her and explain you need quite a bit of time for revision etc. but that you'll give her your full attention after your exams. I assume she's younger than you if she can't relate to the pressure?
    • Re: my GF said my personality has changed :(

      taking advice from the deviate above is like praying to ala, shits bound to go wrong.

      talk to her about it, i know its been said before, but asking for help on a personal relationship is not always the best option. she should understand exams are a part of education, if she won't give you the time or understanding to do so, will she ever be that useful?

      and people change, when you meet the right person, changes wont affect your relationship to a low. relationships are important but so is wellbeing, if shes taking you down rather than bringing you up end it, theres no point in a pointless relationship.

      if you think its something that will blow over leave it for a while n don't do anything drastic..
      [CENTER][SIZE=4][/SIZE][SIZE=2]Can you imagine what I would do if I could do all I can?[/SIZE] [/CENTER]

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Cj ().

    • Re: my GF said my personality has changed :(

      if anyone is being selfish, it's her. She needs to understand that right now you're under pressure to make the right decisions and do well on tests that determine the rest of your life. Talk to her, tell her that you're sorry if it seems like you're being selfish or mean, but that you're at a really stressful point in your life and that you have a lot of big decisions to be making, and it would make it a lot easier on you if she could try to understand the position you're in. If she can't understand this, and continues to be selfish, then maybe it is time to think about whether the benefits of this relationship outweigh the negative effects.
    • Re: my GF said my personality has changed :(

      Strawberryshortcake wrote:

      if anyone is being selfish, it's her. She needs to understand that right now you're under pressure to make the right decisions and do well on tests that determine the rest of your life. Talk to her, tell her that you're sorry if it seems like you're being selfish or mean, but that you're at a really stressful point in your life and that you have a lot of big decisions to be making, and it would make it a lot easier on you if she could try to understand the position you're in. If she can't understand this, and continues to be selfish, then maybe it is time to think about whether the benefits of this relationship outweigh the negative effects.

      Couldn't agree more!
      -- 'Ge mig allt du har' --

    • Re: my GF said my personality has changed :(

      thanks for every1s words of wisdom.. i have taken some advice and have throw my feelings out to her and she understands now. i hope thankyou so much.
      i just talked to her 5 mins ago and we have decided to have a break and see what we think in a week or so and then if we end up just being m8s then i am still happy cse i dont wanna loose her entirely.
      obviously being together would be even better but ye either outcome is kl.
      my exams are all over and i haev nearly passed my drivin test so i can see her more :). see how it goes.. wish my luck and thankyou again your lot are great ppl u no that :) :) xx
    • Re: my GF said my personality has changed :(

      People change.
      Personally, I think if someone doesn't love you how you are... Then their not the one for you.
      You shouldn't have to change for anyone- the right person should love everything about you, even the bad stuff.

      Im sure she will understand how shes acted when she does her exams, and feel really bad for it. Your not in the wrong at all- just because you want a good career.