What should i doo???

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    • What should i doo???

      okay well this is a long story, i have liked this girl for about7 months now. i am only 13 but trust me i have been through alot. at first me and this girl liked eachother alot and were really close friends. we kind of went out for a little while and stuff but it was confusing. anyway now the story is i really like her alot and she claims that she likes me but she wants to wait to date until later years. because of this girl i have been diagnosed with depression and i am on anti depressants i had to go to a mental hospital for seven days because i was going to kill myself and so on. she can be very mean to me at times and at other times she can be extremely sweet. at times though she has cheated on me and lied to me. she is just like me in every way though. she's beautiful, smart, nice, caring, she has depression and a messed up life to and so on. anyways now it's summer and she says that she wants me to still like her because she says that she thinks she likes me. i have a feeling that over the summer she'll loose all feelings for me though. but i dont find any way to get over her at all.i feel like i will never like another girl again and that she's the one girl for me and everyone tells me that i'm only 13 and i'll find another girl but i truly dont find that true at all. please get back to me soon because i'm really in need of help thankyouu
    • Re: What should i doo???

      you deserve better. plain and simple. the good times should be so good that you barely even remember them not mention right along with the good times. and love doesn't come with anti-depressants. and i completely understand loving someone like that but you'd be surprised how fast those feelings fade and how fast you'll meet someone new. plus when things get hard you always have your friends to lean on. trust me it seems really difficult now but you'll get through it. :)
    • Re: What should i doo???

      weezy0303 wrote:

      okay well this is a long story, i have liked this girl for about7 months now. i am only 13 but trust me i have been through alot. at first me and this girl liked eachother alot and were really close friends. we kind of went out for a little while and stuff but it was confusing. anyway now the story is i really like her alot and she claims that she likes me but she wants to wait to date until later years.


      weezy0303 wrote:

      because of this girl i have been diagnosed with depression and i am on anti depressants i had to go to a mental hospital for seven days because i was going to kill myself and so on.

      But she didn't do anything...

      weezy0303 wrote:

      she can be very mean to me at times and at other times she can be extremely sweet. at times though she has cheated on me and lied to me.

      I think your girlfriend is a bit smarter than you regarding relationships. A lot smarter, actually. She probably has you right where she wants you - in a trap.

      weezy0303 wrote:

      she is just like me in every way though.

      Oh? So you too, has cheated on her, and lied to her? Does anyone see anything wrong with this? Well duhh.

      weezy0303 wrote:

      she's beautiful, smart, nice, caring, she has depression and a messed up life to and so on. anyways now it's summer and she says that she wants me to still like her because she says that she thinks she likes me. i have a feeling that over the summer she'll loose all feelings for me though. but i dont find any way to get over her at all.i feel like i will never like another girl again and that she's the one girl for me and everyone tells me that i'm only 13 and i'll find another girl but i truly dont find that true at all. please get back to me soon because i'm really in need of help thankyouu

      I don't see a problem, here.

      Neal C.