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    • Hi, I recently just started having sex.

      Im almost 2 months late and not showing any symptoms.
      I really don’t think im pregnant because my bf always wears a condom and it has never broke and he usually doesn’t even bust inside me..I do do drugs and smoke pot.
      Im wondering what can be the problem :confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused:
    • Re: sex.......

      Many women don't show symptoms until as late as 3 months. If your period is 2 months late, I would definitely start off with a pregnancy test. If that comes up negative, the next step would be to go to a gyno to find out what it is. It could be anything from diet to effects from drugs.

      *Edit: Even if he wears a condom, condoms can sometimes have holes in them.
    • Re: sex.......

      jackiefran wrote:

      What are the chances of having a hole in the condom? i should probably go get checked i dont really want to tell my dad though
      my period used to skip a month all the time so i dont know if im just freaking out or not

      It depends. Does he check the expiration dates on the condoms? Where does he buy the condoms?

      You don't have to tell your dad. You can go to Planned Parenthood and have an exam done there. If you're not pregnant, I suggest you get on birth control (which you can also get at Planned Parenthood for pretty cheap.)
    • Re: sex.......

      jackiefran wrote:

      He usually gets them brand new from the box, im not sure from what store but there always trojans. You think my body is just getting used to having sex?
      Im definitely considering it, i might go with the shot

      If your period is usually very irregular, it could just be that. But if I was in your situation, I would still go get checked out (just in case there is a problem like ovarian cysts,) and I would still get on BC.