Affirmative action - do you approve of it?

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    • Re: Affirmative action - do you approve of it?

      The best person for the job/education place gets it, as far as I'm concerned, regardless of circumstances regarding their race or gender. I may be inclined to implement it a little with their class system, but with care and on individual circumstance.

    • Re: Affirmative action - do you approve of it?

      Personally, I am opposed to affirmative action. Refusing to hire someone for no reason other than because they are supposedly the 'wrong' colour, or the 'wrong' gender, is wholly indefensible in my opinion.

      I also believe that affirmative action causes more harm than good to those it's supposed to benefit. If for example, a woman or an person from ethnic minority gets promoted, then it's inevitable that at least a few of his/her co-workers will suspect that he/she was only promoted due to his/her gender/race. However, if affirmative action didn't exist, they would have no reason not to assume that the promotion wasn't merited.
    • Re: Affirmative action - do you approve of it?

      I don't approve of it because I believe it is the employers right to hire whoever they wish.

      From a practical perspective, there are huge potential costs if it is over zealously applied (for example, if an employer firing an incompetent employee is incorrectly seen as discrimination because the employee happens to be gay, black etc.) in return for the 'benefit' of placing an employee into a workplace where they are not wanted.
    • Re: Affirmative action - do you approve of it?

      I think the idea behind it (equality) is great but it is simply unfair. Nobody chooses their gender or race, so to tell them they were more qualified but ineligible because they were a specific color is wrong and in all reality is simply a form of racism; it doesn't matter if the person is black, white, yellow, green, or orange, the most qualified person should be rewarded.