girl troubles

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    • girl troubles

      ok.... i'm having relationship issues. there are a few different girls that i like, but dont want to ruin my friendship with them if i ask them out. i know that the one likes me, but i dont know if its love or not :(. i want to date her but i dont want to ruin my chances with the other girl if she does like me. if it doesn't work out with one of them i would still like to have the opportunity to possibly date the other girl. what should i do?
    • Re: girl troubles

      I am currently in a situation like that and i just think that you should leave your relationships with these two girls as is for now, in the future as you hang out with them more then you may begin to like one more than the other or you may just want to leave your relationship the same and just be really good friends.. sometimes its nice just to have a good friend of the opposite sex and not think that just because you like each other you HAVE to go out.